i just miss playing it.. i mean is ok being a heavie and go across a map in 2 seconds skiing ::).. or shot someone 2 yards from them and get the splash damage ::).. or whatever.. but whats the fun in that.. .. i guess since i stared tribes in base i love it more :-*. anyways glad to have tribes around.
sure be nice to have some classic vs base games .. some in classic servers and some in a base server.
buenas noches CHICAS>
:-*XOXO :-* for my HV'rs
sure be nice to have some classic vs base games .. some in classic servers and some in a base server.
buenas noches CHICAS>
:-*XOXO :-* for my HV'rs
This discussion has been closed.
Look for Houston vehicles. Play your flavor and enjoy the greatest game eva!
Please, continue.
barely lol
p.s. I found it take a look if you have some time to kill.But if you need a few laughs and are bored its epic
I think they are wrong too, but I can't really tell because they are a giant blob of text only loosely following any sort of English language conventions.
!.I could not give a shit if you of all people read my post since you have your head so far up krymores ass every time he shits a piece of you is sooner or later gonna show up.
2.This is all rather funny but I was kinda waiting for you two to start your little love fest with each other as soon as I saw someone post something about base.
3.Here you are as predicted, now go ask the mods to delete my posts as usual. ::)
Acknowledging it is the first step, bro! Hang in there!
Unlike you who can not actually back them up.The whole thing actually started when you came in her ranting about these classic VS base games in the past. then you mention the vk and TWL.I find that funny as hell because because that was such a small part of the base community.So keep on thinking what you want if it makes feel all warm and fuzzy inside.This is no real argument to me it is just the same old biased retarded opinion you bring up in 99% of the posts you put on all the forums happen to post on.
I am not the one who called himself the Micheal Jordan of tribes 2. I mean isnt he retired now playing less stressful sports maybe you should do the same.relax take your meds do some deep breathing.Then come back and be the old kryand we all love to make fun of.
The one in denial is you.Fact is that most classic players played base at one time or another.Base is not what killed off tribes its arrogant ego filled mindless noobs like you that did.Doesnt matter to me if a person likes base or classic as long as the play the game and keep it alive.Maybe just maybe if you actually did something positive instead spewing your hatred you might actually teach someone something useful and learn something in the process,but I doubt it because you think you know it all.the only thing you have proven to me is you still know nothing. Fact that a long time HV member and base player is a team captain on your comp team is a bit funny though.
Knowing you have a problem is the first step,Get some help man.
That's good, since it wouldn't be nearly as true if you said it.
I've backed it up hundreds of times. You've just been hiding away in newbie-ville with the rest of the players of your caliber, so you didn't have any clue what was going on elsewhere in T2.
Umm, someone suggested "classic vs base" matches, and I simply stated that such matches have already taken place, and then informed you all of the results. You were the one in denial that such a thing was possible.
"What? Hey, I think I'm not an insignificant and terrible base player, so surely I'd have heard of these events if they took place! I mean why wouldn't anyone tell me!? Besides, there's no way classic players could dominate base players, because some of the guys I play with are so good that they can hit MAs on occasion! There's no way players as good as them would ever lose so badly!!"
It was the epitome of the base community. VK would beat all of you even more effortlessly than they beat the TWL base teams. If they dominated TWL, then there's nothing the rest of the scrubby base players could hope to do against them.
You forgot "correct". Classic players are better at the game then the players of every other mod - even on their own turf. This has been proven time and time and time and time again. Yet, somehow, every year or two, a new set of clueless scrubs pops up that have had their heads up their asses and somehow missed the last 5 times that a classic team destroyed their best team. I don't know where noobs like you keep coming from - you'd think the word would have gotten around to you at some point, but I guess not...
Who's "we"? A bunch of terrible noobs like yourself? I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to make up for the fact that you've been playing for so long and still are so bad and clueless about the game.
You're not a very intelligent person I see. No shit they played base, because they didn't have a choice until classic was made. I can't believe I even had to type that sentence. Furthermore, if you had any common sense whatsoever you would easily be able to logically see why your second statement is wrong. Look at every other popular game. Case closed.
Oh yes, for once, maybe I should help the community. I've never done it before, nope, definitely not.
Yes, occasionally a player might break free of your newbie community and actually learn how to play the game, and some even become good. I never said this wasn't possible. Hell, Nevares used to be a V2 player (though you are probably so out of touch with the community that you don't even know who he is). This actually supports my point more than anything. Your world needs to be shattered so that you can actually mingle with the real players and possible learn how to play the game for real. Although, you said you already play classic, so maybe there's no hope for you becoming good anyway.
Sit stuff. Oh wait I forgot it's against the rules to call out idiots on these forums. We don't want to hurt the feelings of little kids like Abstract, now do we?
yeah well I play on the goon classic server almost every night.But of course your so good you wont play there you might actually get your ass kicked by some so called noob.
Backed what up.If you were so great your comp team wouldnt have gotten blown the hell out 10 to zip now would it.
just because some classic players on twl plays in a base do well doesnt mean shit.Like I said thats a small part of the T2.I Have no problem with classic or base players I have played both and find both enjoyable.What I dont like is ignorant people such as you and teratos and anyone like you who think there the be all end all of this game.
Yeah name one thing you have done to help out the community other than trying to help yourself or trying to boost your ego.The only thing amazing about you to me is how such a little mind can fill such a big head.
what I see logically is most classic players,base players,TWL players and any other Tribes 2 player are basically good people.It is the 10% of the population that think like you that are a cancer to it.
The only world that needs to be shattered is the small one your living.Maybe thats the problem your world is so small your not getting enough oxygen.Fact is I mingle with the real players every night.
Now this kinda baffles me "Sit stuff. Oh wait I forgot it's against the rules to call out idiots on these forums. We don't want to hurt the feelings of little kids like Abstract, now do we?" Sit stuff yeah I will try whatever that means.funny you calling someone a little kiddie when your just about 21 yourself and your balls probably havent dropped yet.When they do please do us all a Favor and dont reproduce.
rofl. I play there all the time, and every single time I dominate, so this is just another example of you talking out your ass.
Here's yet another example. I realize you have absolute zero knowledge of the game, let alone knowledge of competition, map strategy, or anything regarding how a match is played, so I will try to explain - though you are probably too much of an entitled noob to listen to what I say, despite the fact that I am immeasurably superior to you at every single aspect of playing and understanding the game. Anyway, Magnum is a map where the score is always a blowout regardless of the difference in skill. I realize map balance and strategy is something you will never understand for the rest of your life, but let's just say that the match going to 3 maps says infinitely more about how easily it could have gone either way than the score on a single incredibly poorly designed map. Also, Vanguard must have been such a shitty team in your eyes since they played 5150 so many times but only capped once. Man they sure need to get some skill so they could actually get a cap, right? Fucking retard. ::)
If VK played against any permutation of base players that you could come up with from all of the base players you have ever met, VK would still dominate them. VK played against the best that base had to offer and won, and the whole majority of the community you represent is totally insignificant when it comes to skill. If you disagree with this then you are so delusional that I don't think I can word this in any way to get it through you stupid skull.
lol ok, helping run about of half the servers there have been in the past 5 years and offering scripting help to the other half, to name "one".
Well I did say it would require some common sense to make the correct logical conclusion, which you clearly lack. A remotely intelligent person would see the fact that every single other popular game in existence has proportionally way more arrogant players than Tribes 2 ever did, yet they are still popular as can be, and could easily see that arrogant players obviously do not contribute to a game's downfall. I had a feeling that would be a bit much of a mental leap for you, though.
If by real players you mean random noobs, then ok sure. 90% of the "real players" who ever played this game no longer play it, so it's safe to say you don't and never did mingle with any of them.
Ah yes there's the "witty finisher". Not very witty though. Though I must say I'm glad your parents didn't follow that same philosophy that you are promoting, otherwise you might not have been born to entertain me so much.
First off you say you play at goon all the time and dominate funny I play there almost every night from 7pm cst to maybe 1 or 2 am in the morning havent seen you there once much less dominate shit.In fact I was there tonight where were you no where to be found I see.
I know nothing of competition yeah I only played on the 7 and 12 man ladder later in the BEML league before you hit puberty so again you dont know shit so STFU unless you do.I could care less if you could beat me at this game or not.I will tell you one thing I have seen your game vids and meh your nothing special.If you were so great at the game you should have came up with a strategy for the map before hand and adapted so you would not have gotten blown out moron.Then again I could give a shit about TWL now maybe back in the day.But you go on and have fun with your 15 little teams which more than half cant even fill out a 7 players needed.
You state up above that helped run half the servers.You have to be kidding me man lol.Son stop smoking the crack and get back to earth for a second.As for scripts I have never seen any of yours but thats because I dont use many I think they kinda cheapens the game besides it was all the script jockeys that ruined the TWL ladder to begin with.
No Its not just the arrogant players that killed the game but you surely helped.I didnt blame all of it on you believe me your not that important at all.The only one delusional here is you. If we are so insignificant you can just go play your little TWL matches every other week and not play on pubs anymore right.What would you do then I mean who could you pretend to dominate then.Dude your a friggin joke.
You can mention vk all you want.Fact is I played with and against more of those guys then you probably ever did.Then again who cares because they dont play on the ladder anymore do they?
Yeah funny thing is some of the random noobs that I mingle with on goons happen to be from the TWL team that kicked your ass.
as for the witty finisher sorry I mean I was just trying to figure out what the hell you meant by sit stuff ?
But I figure the world has enough problems as it is without you screwing up the gene pool anymore. ;D
If I don't even have the time to read, I can only imagine the time ya'll had to write all that jive haha.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure everyone with a brain or some trifle of Tribes experience who has read this thread no long gives any credibility to blindkilla, so I'll make this short, just for fun.
I don't suppose you've ever seen any Vpad or Turret players there either.
I don't have vids... try again.
I wasn't in charge of strats, nor was I even planning on playing in the match at all to begin with. In fact, I was actually hoping we would lose Magnum because at one of the practices we did on that map, a couple of our players were bitching at each other and one got kicked off of Vent, forcing us to cancel that map of the scrim. But hey, since you've refused to explain how the Vanguard point is any different, at least we can take solace in the fact that they are a terrible team just like us, right!? Fucking retard. ::)
It's more like 5-6 teams, but even so, it's a higher level of competition than you've ever been a part of in your entire T2 lifetime. BEML HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ask every Arena server host. And pretty much all I can say to your script comment is "rofl newb".
Like I said, you are too stupid to believe anything other than this, so I may as well just let you have it.
Well I played with every one of them, so first of all your comment is yet another example of you talking out your ass. Second of all, it's really funny, because even though you've allegedly played with all the good players, you're still terrible. What's with that? And what exactly were you trying to prove by making this claim anyway? If you're terrible, you're terrible. It doesn't really matter who you've played with.
The only ones from that team who pub are SterIO and... well, pretty much just SterIO. And I bet he doesn't even know you exist. Way to "mingle", lol. Getting owned in the face by someone who doesn't even look at your name is not "mingling", sorry.
Only infierno has the answer to that one. But for you, let's just say it means you got owned. Bad.
theyre ok, but not incredible.
most of that was really cool, but you missed the bit where it says you suck.
LOL and now your in charge of that team I see since your the founder left? I wonder why.Well good luck with that,Maybe I should say I wish the other guys on your team luck they will need it.
So you come in under another name than kryand to play.Is that because your afraid that one of these insignificant pub players will kick your ass.I mean yeah I have seen those guys play there there ok but hell never seen them dominate anything.BTW which one are you?
Yeah if you knew anything about comp you would have know that many teams played in both leagues.The reason for this was many teams got sick of the script jockeys at TWL and BEML required DT before TWL ever did.Although DT became pretty much useless in the end.
OH yeah I have seen you vids or should I say recordings fool there posted at your own website.they were right here did you remove them lol. When you come back from having your fit you should thank me for promoting your website.
funny is you call me terrible since you have never seen me play.Then again I could care less because I never claimed to be the best or the Mikey Jordan of tribes like you and believe me your not.I play for fun and enjoy the game not to boost my little ego.
Funny thing is I wasnt looking for any type of so called credibility here at all.I just wanted to see how far I could push some arrogant ass to see how full of crap he really was and well here we are.Speaking of credibility though you kinda lost yours along the way huh.
I would like to say sorry to the site admins here. Yeah I was really bored and It was kinda like shooting fish In a barrel Ya know.
As for your last comment Kryand I still have no Idea what your talking about
so can someone with half a mind explain it to me and everyone else thanks.