can't give away my smurf but that was on Hillside right as the capper was about to cap (which he did unfortunately). Not the best by any means but im never gunna beat the distance
Someone who actually posted a screenshot! Wow!
Unfortunately he blotted out the name so he could just be BSing and claiming it as his own.
But if we aren't posting screens and half of you are more than likely lying or exaggerating I guess I can join in and say that I once sniped a guy out his shrike while I was falling from the bomber he just shot down. I had a ping of 200. It was insane yea.
Just recently on Broadside I sniped someone in mid-air while they were flying away from the top of the Storm base and I was well inside Inferno's entrance. Right in the instant the map ended too. I think it was only about 450m but I was impressed at least.
Someone who actually posted a screenshot! Wow!
Unfortunately he blotted out the name so he could just be BSing and claiming it as his own.
But if we aren't posting screens and half of you are more than likely lying or exaggerating I guess I can join in and say that I once sniped a guy out his shrike while I was falling from the bomber he just shot down. I had a ping of 200. It was insane yea.
kits are from a dep invo. Jump + Use rep kit... just a habit, i dont know if it actually makes it faster or not for sure
when you slow down a demo like i did it raises the ping in your hud, i guess it recognizes it as latency
Screen shots are a step in the right direction, but to prove it once and for all, you need to link us to the demo bro.
Nice shot BTW.
Hold on a sec. I remember when talent, or rather his smurf, made that shot on hillside. Not really hard evidence and for all everyone knows, I could just be lying, but I havent given anyone reason to doubt my word in the past. Im aware a screenshot isnt solid, demos are the way to go.
Before anyone makes a bullshit comment like *He was smurfing faggot, you couldnt have known it was him
FYI, I guessed who talent was smurfing as on the day (0.o, I still remember), but for his sake, I wont post who he was smurfing as. As for how I guessed, it was pretty elementary. If you want, Ill pm you with my guess, Talent.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with a hurdling piece of machinery, putting their hides out on the line, hanging it out over the edge, pushing back the outside of that envelope and hauling it back in ... but there was one sniper I once saw who I think truly did have the right .. tldr
... who was the best sniper I ever saw? You're looking at him.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with a hurdling piece of machinery, putting their hides out on the line, hanging it out over the edge, pushing back the outside of that envelope and hauling it back in ... but there was one sniper I once saw who I think truly did have the right .. tldr
... who was the best sniper I ever saw? You're looking at him.
The best sniper is a black screen with text on it? hmmmm, that doesn't make any sense lol.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with a hurdling piece of machinery, putting their hides out on the line, hanging it out over the edge, pushing back the outside of that envelope and hauling it back in ... but there was one sniper I once saw who I think truly did have the right .. tldr
... who was the best sniper I ever saw? You're looking at him.
you are dumb as hell I disagree with that statement.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with a hurdling piece of machinery, putting their hides out on the line, hanging it out over the edge, pushing back the outside of that envelope and hauling it back in ... but there was one sniper I once saw who I think truly did have the right .. tldr
... who was the best sniper I ever saw? You're looking at him.
you are dumb as hell I disagree with that statement.
-93 head shots in one 25 min round. :current record never been beaten:
screen cap here:
-58.40 laser turret damage
-87% accuracy with a laser rifle (base not classic)
Best shots:
- Killed enemy tank driver during EWO friday night fights,called shot on teamspeak and clipped him in the head and took him right out of the moving tank.
- Bomber i was flying got shot down, As i was falling the shrike pilot lost his shrike aswell as me losing my bomber. As we fell i head shot him in a free fall.
-Beez im curious why you say i take this thread hands down,could you explain how you come to that conclusion? (just curious)
Code of Conduct: Just to clear up a few things these are the rules i follow when i play
- NEVER camp/snipe invi stations or Vpads
- I do not chain
- I do not ram with vehicles
- I am a deffencive player and will most likely deffend my flag
- I do not care about points helping your team win is more important to me
- If you TK me because you are just stupid or you have intentionally TK'ed me i will TK you back once per TK
yup a thread about your best shots and im accused of trolling LOL. This IS a thread about BEST SHOTS is it not? Never fails i add mine like EVERYONE ELSE and im trolling LOL. I didnt flame no one in my post yet all you guys do is flame as a responce. Im just wondering when is it time to grow up? I post and you flame lol im sure people are sick of you guys turning every post/thread into a drama show when i post in it.
I have PROOF of my accomplishments do you? And i posted those shots to add some thing positive to this thread and not turn this into a flame post. You see people it is not me that starts this crap you can tell that very clearly from my post. I can be a man and act civil but it seems that a certain few are keen on turning this thread into a gong show.
How ever, i will not entertain all the flaming anymore. You may not like me and its very clear that you cant stand the fact that i have all this proof of good shots and what have you. But have some class and admit it, I dont like you either but do you see me in every forum and on you tube flaming all day long? NO! i can even admit that iv seen you pull some pretty great shots too! I can also admit that most of my enemys are pretty good players and have some degree of skill. But im not on the forums all day trash talking and acting all low class.
Sure i trash talk in game but thats where it ends. It seems that for you the game is never over at the end of the day. So i am gona be the bigger man and take the lead and say i am not gona trash talk anyone anymore, I am going to do the grown up thing and refrain from turning this thread into a pissing match with you.
yup a thread about your best shots and im accused of trolling LOL. This IS a thread about BEST SHOTS is it not? Never fails i add mine like EVERYONE ELSE and im trolling LOL. I didnt flame no one in my post yet all you guys do is flame as a responce. Im just wondering when is it time to grow up? I post and you flame lol im sure people are sick of you guys turning every post/thread into a drama show when i post in it.
No, they're not. People rather like laughing at your posts and seeing you get trash-talked. Your fake ego is not welcome here. The rest of us have actual proof of our achievements - TWL records, if you will - with ladder presence on top teams and demos of those matches. All you have is a bunch of stuff you made up and one screen shot, which I'll get to next.
I have PROOF of my accomplishments do you? And i posted those shots to add some thing positive to this thread and not turn this into a flame post. You see people it is not me that starts this crap you can tell that very clearly from my post. I can be a man and act civil but it seems that a certain few are keen on turning this thread into a gong show.
You have a screen shot of a score screen after you sat OOB all map sniping a buddy with a repair pack. Personally, if I wanted a screen shot with a fake record, I'd have just photoshopped it. We recognized some names in your screen shot and went and asked them if they remember it. Guess what buddy, the ones that do remember confirmed that you were sniping one person OOB the whole map. Busted.
How ever, i will not entertain all the flaming anymore. You may not like me and its very clear that you cant stand the fact that i have all this proof of good shots and what have you. But have some class and admit it, I dont like you either but do you see me in every forum and on you tube flaming all day long? NO! i can even admit that iv seen you pull some pretty great shots too! I can also admit that most of my enemys are pretty good players and have some degree of skill. But im not on the forums all day trash talking and acting all low class.
Remember that time we owned you so bad (with lasers) that all you could do was leave the server crying about cheats? Then you made a post on here about how you were quitting forever? That was fun.
Sure i trash talk in game but thats where it ends. It seems that for you the game is never over at the end of the day. So i am gona be the bigger man and take the lead and say i am not gona trash talk anyone anymore, I am going to do the grown up thing and refrain from turning this thread into a pissing match with you.
Question is:
Trash-talking outside of game is much more cerebral than trash-talking in-game, so it's no surprise that you can only handle the latter.
I seem to remember you said this was the last post you said you were gonna make about proof is below.
Cant beleive you fucking morons went 6 pages about something so fucking stupid. I wasnt ever gona come back here but shit i got curious and even after i have totally forgotten about you drama queens your still here at it like fucking idiots with no life.
Im not acsepting no challenge from anyone simply because i dont even play tribes anymore for 2 reasons the only server is goons and its full if morons. Second all this drama is bad for the community and serves no meaning what so ever. everyone i know and played with feels the same way. This simple fact that you would even go 6 pages about somthing entirly fucking retarded as a pissing contest such as this is beyond reason LOL and personally i think its about the saddest thing i ever did see.
FYI only the noob GOOn server has the roll over head shots if you fucking tards knew anything at all EWO did not have that they actually had enough brains to fix that unlike you GOON fools. And if you can actually read what i typed you would GO ASK LONEWOLF OF EWO AND ALL THE EWO PLAYERS AND STAFF CUZ THEY ALL SEEN IT!! but no your just some retard american that needs to be better then everyone really sad if you ask me you all sit here and say i photoshop it but i give you names and people to ASK yet your too fucking stupid to GO ASK THEM no you make up stupid shit like its a fake or a friend let me get the shot on him BUT I SAY AGAIN FOR ALL YOU STUPID FAT ILLITERATE AMERICAN SLOBS 50+ PEOPLE SEEN IT IN A MATCH INCLUDING EWO STAFF FUCKING ASK THEM MORONS DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT ASK THEM READ WHAT I FUCKING SAY FAT AMERICAN SLOBS WIPE THE CHEEZE BURGER OUT OF YOUR EYE PEEL BACK THE FAT AND READ LOL. This is the last post ill make as i am done and really dont want anything to do with a douche bag community that wont last because of ignorant 14 year old zit face pukes who think they know it all.
Unfortunately he blotted out the name so he could just be BSing and claiming it as his own.
But if we aren't posting screens and half of you are more than likely lying or exaggerating I guess I can join in and say that I once sniped a guy out his shrike while I was falling from the bomber he just shot down. I had a ping of 200. It was insane yea.
evidently he wasn't about to cap =\
when you slow down a demo like i did it raises the ping in your hud, i guess it recognizes it as latency
Screen shots are a step in the right direction, but to prove it once and for all, you need to link us to the demo bro.
Nice shot BTW.
Hold on a sec. I remember when talent, or rather his smurf, made that shot on hillside. Not really hard evidence and for all everyone knows, I could just be lying, but I havent given anyone reason to doubt my word in the past. Im aware a screenshot isnt solid, demos are the way to go.
Before anyone makes a bullshit comment like *He was smurfing faggot, you couldnt have known it was him
FYI, I guessed who talent was smurfing as on the day (0.o, I still remember), but for his sake, I wont post who he was smurfing as. As for how I guessed, it was pretty elementary. If you want, Ill pm you with my guess, Talent.
... who was the best sniper I ever saw? You're looking at him.
The best sniper is a black screen with text on it? hmmmm, that doesn't make any sense lol.
qft. how do you vets keep forgetting this?
-93 head shots in one 25 min round. :current record never been beaten:
screen cap here:
-58.40 laser turret damage
-87% accuracy with a laser rifle (base not classic)
Best shots:
- Killed enemy tank driver during EWO friday night fights,called shot on teamspeak and clipped him in the head and took him right out of the moving tank.
- Bomber i was flying got shot down, As i was falling the shrike pilot lost his shrike aswell as me losing my bomber. As we fell i head shot him in a free fall.
-Beez im curious why you say i take this thread hands down,could you explain how you come to that conclusion? (just curious)
Videos The | Sniper has made:
One of my faves! this guy thought he could own me but i payed him a visit
Code of Conduct: Just to clear up a few things these are the rules i follow when i play
- NEVER camp/snipe invi stations or Vpads
- I do not chain
- I do not ram with vehicles
- I am a deffencive player and will most likely deffend my flag
- I do not care about points helping your team win is more important to me
- If you TK me because you are just stupid or you have intentionally TK'ed me i will TK you back once per TK
The | Sniper
In other words, whether you're serious or not, you are stupid.
You are a llama.
The | Teratos
I have PROOF of my accomplishments do you? And i posted those shots to add some thing positive to this thread and not turn this into a flame post. You see people it is not me that starts this crap you can tell that very clearly from my post. I can be a man and act civil but it seems that a certain few are keen on turning this thread into a gong show.
How ever, i will not entertain all the flaming anymore. You may not like me and its very clear that you cant stand the fact that i have all this proof of good shots and what have you. But have some class and admit it, I dont like you either but do you see me in every forum and on you tube flaming all day long? NO! i can even admit that iv seen you pull some pretty great shots too! I can also admit that most of my enemys are pretty good players and have some degree of skill. But im not on the forums all day trash talking and acting all low class.
Sure i trash talk in game but thats where it ends. It seems that for you the game is never over at the end of the day. So i am gona be the bigger man and take the lead and say i am not gona trash talk anyone anymore, I am going to do the grown up thing and refrain from turning this thread into a pissing match with you.
Question is:
You have a screen shot of a score screen after you sat OOB all map sniping a buddy with a repair pack. Personally, if I wanted a screen shot with a fake record, I'd have just photoshopped it. We recognized some names in your screen shot and went and asked them if they remember it. Guess what buddy, the ones that do remember confirmed that you were sniping one person OOB the whole map. Busted.
Remember that time we owned you so bad (with lasers) that all you could do was leave the server crying about cheats? Then you made a post on here about how you were quitting forever? That was fun.
Trash-talking outside of game is much more cerebral than trash-talking in-game, so it's no surprise that you can only handle the latter.
Cant beleive you fucking morons went 6 pages about something so fucking stupid. I wasnt ever gona come back here but shit i got curious and even after i have totally forgotten about you drama queens your still here at it like fucking idiots with no life.
Im not acsepting no challenge from anyone simply because i dont even play tribes anymore for 2 reasons the only server is goons and its full if morons. Second all this drama is bad for the community and serves no meaning what so ever. everyone i know and played with feels the same way. This simple fact that you would even go 6 pages about somthing entirly fucking retarded as a pissing contest such as this is beyond reason LOL and personally i think its about the saddest thing i ever did see.
FYI only the noob GOOn server has the roll over head shots if you fucking tards knew anything at all EWO did not have that they actually had enough brains to fix that unlike you GOON fools. And if you can actually read what i typed you would GO ASK LONEWOLF OF EWO AND ALL THE EWO PLAYERS AND STAFF CUZ THEY ALL SEEN IT!! but no your just some retard american that needs to be better then everyone really sad if you ask me you all sit here and say i photoshop it but i give you names and people to ASK yet your too fucking stupid to GO ASK THEM no you make up stupid shit like its a fake or a friend let me get the shot on him BUT I SAY AGAIN FOR ALL YOU STUPID FAT ILLITERATE AMERICAN SLOBS 50+ PEOPLE SEEN IT IN A MATCH INCLUDING EWO STAFF FUCKING ASK THEM MORONS DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT ASK THEM READ WHAT I FUCKING SAY FAT AMERICAN SLOBS WIPE THE CHEEZE BURGER OUT OF YOUR EYE PEEL BACK THE FAT AND READ LOL. This is the last post ill make as i am done and really dont want anything to do with a douche bag community that wont last because of ignorant 14 year old zit face pukes who think they know it all.
Chill, have a Pepsi.
How can anyone argue so much over a game?
I could own your premature asses anyday.
- The | HM2
We should all love each other, like Kryan loves everybody in this community