You know you're addicted to T2 when...
I just thought it might be fun. 
You know you're addicted to Tribes 2 when:
You step out your front door and try to jet to your car.
You can't swat a fly that's bothering you, so you decide you must be lagging.
You wake up in the morning and look for an inventory station to get dressed at.

You know you're addicted to Tribes 2 when:
You step out your front door and try to jet to your car.
You can't swat a fly that's bothering you, so you decide you must be lagging.
You wake up in the morning and look for an inventory station to get dressed at.
You go into any other FPS and instinctively hit your jet button when you sight a target. I've done this so many times.
Or a shocklance...
When you can snipe from across the map with a lousy ping.
When you have a t-shirt that says, " Love me , Love my Big Green Boomie "
When you can take out an entire team of enemy players with a Shrike, by
running them over .
When Air Discing is second nature.
ShockLancing people makes you giggle like a madman .
Farming turrets and mines is like a day at work, just more fun.
Elite Renegades seems easy .
The Bones Mod is more fun than regular Aircraft Sims
You have a hotkey that has " Pwned" or "owned" every time you kill someone .
Voice packs are half of your Tribes File size.
Katabatic is your home country
Flame Turrets are your best friend .
Bouncing Mortar shells get you banned for Team Kills on a regular basis .
You think that the Female Armors are sex-eh and wonder who modelled for them.
Dynamix are the Gods Of First Person Shooters
You played Tribes on a Modem and ruled the servers you played on.
Broadband is the Second Coming ! All hail lag free servers !
Your computer game collection only has two games . Star Siege : Tribes and Tribes 2 .
Vivendi is evil .
There are other Games? What is World of WarCraft ? wtf kinda pansy game is that !?
Chuck Norris quit playing due the snipers on Tribes. You can't kick what you can't see!
Chuck Norris Challenged the Tribes War league leaders and cried after they disced him off the servers .
Chuck Norris quit Tribes and now plays World of Warcraft under the alias Michael Jackson .
-You put off finding a job and play T2 instead, and try to think of ways playing T2 will make you money.
-You want to stick it in the woman who made the Heroine voice.
-You try and fit everything you say in voice binds, along with the same tone of voice those would be in. Ex: "I-Need-Get! Hi." Or just say things such as "V.G.Y." instead of just saying yes. (I often find myself saying VSTO) "Dude Talon will you get me a beer?" "V.S.T.O.!" "What the fuck?" "I'm ON IT!"
-You can't wait for the day we all have jetpacks.
-You draw plans to create your own spinfusor.
-You've thought of a way a disc can explode.
-You've thought of a way a disc can explode BLUE.
-You participate in listing things that show how much you are in love with (addicted to) tribes 2.
-You have made a movie script for a tribes 2 movie. (Damn what a good idea...)
-You tell all your friends how much halo/cs sucks in comparison to tribes, even when they aren't talking about video games at all.
You know you're addicted to T2 when you start trying to use your voice binds in other games.
-When you have tons of CDs around the house with labels like "T2 Backup Files" "T2 Skins" "Shazbot" on them.
-When you're getting into a van wondering what loadout the rest of the crew is carrying just in case something comes up.
-When most people wish they were invisible, you wish you had a cloaking pack.
-When doing physical exercise you imagine your blue bar going down, and you rest and it starts going back up.
-When your nightmares consist of Mortar explosions all around you.
-When your nightmares are of some idiot setting up a mortar turret near your base.
-When you dream of capping flags for your achievements.
-When you want someone to shut up, the letters VGQ or VGXS come to mind.
-When you look closely at trees and cactus's to see if there are any strange metal objects sticking out from within.
-When you look out across the landscape and wonder how bad your tank would take damage on certain rough spots.
-When you look at a mountain and think about how much speed you'd get from skiing down the side of it.
-When you've hunted Google through the years looking for a way to play Tribes 2 again...
Since when is siege a mod?
And RS does not suck. kthx
When you start a thread called You know you're addicted to T2 when...
When you respond in a thread called You know you're addicted to T2 when...
When you have all the voicebinds on your mp3 player or cellphone and use them to speak irl.
When you won't even look at other mmofps.
When the only music you listen to is the Tribes 2 soundtrack.
When you call The OCC and ask if they can build a custom Grav Cycle.
When you see a flag you capture it and take it back home.
When you buy a pair of Heelys/roller shoes to ski with.
When you have the Tribes flag instead of your national flag.
LOL ! thats hardcore love !
You know you're addicted when you're driving down the Freeway and you call out targets to your gunner when people cut you off .
You're flying a commercial flight and think " Damn, my Shrike would have had me there by now " .
You think the Stealth Alarm systems they sell on T.V. are lame alongside your motion detectors and Landspike and Spiderclamp turrets in Tribes .
You think that an elevator is old school alongside of your jet pack .
Energy management takes on a whole new meaning when you have to run to get to point A to B in real life .
RedBull should be the official fuel of the Jet Packs .
Tribes Vengeance is a training video for Tribes 1 and 2 .
I do say shazbot now and again... :P
I agree, WHAT?
NIce ahh ;D