PLEASE! Someone, anyone, help!
What the deuce is it with people and their ideas that they know more about something that someone they've never met?
So I'm in Thread X talking about Subject C. Player Y comes in and posts something along the lines of "STFU I know so much more about T2 than you!" and rants on about Subject C and their supreme, omnipotent knowledge on all that is Tribes. Inside, I laugh.
Why do people do this? I've seen it happen to more than myself. Why do people instantly assume they are more qualified on a particular subject than a stranger? What if this stranger has spend decades studying Subject C while you've only dabbled in some manuals on it? I've spend TEN YEARS learning Subject C! A decade! THREE presidents! Two wars! Lots of other stuff I can't think of cause it's 1 AM!
ZOMG...someone please explain this to me? Is it simple idiocy?
So I'm in Thread X talking about Subject C. Player Y comes in and posts something along the lines of "STFU I know so much more about T2 than you!" and rants on about Subject C and their supreme, omnipotent knowledge on all that is Tribes. Inside, I laugh.
Why do people do this? I've seen it happen to more than myself. Why do people instantly assume they are more qualified on a particular subject than a stranger? What if this stranger has spend decades studying Subject C while you've only dabbled in some manuals on it? I've spend TEN YEARS learning Subject C! A decade! THREE presidents! Two wars! Lots of other stuff I can't think of cause it's 1 AM!
ZOMG...someone please explain this to me? Is it simple idiocy?
i need to find that study where they found incompetent people don't understand the level of their own incompetence
funny how can some people cannot have a single conversation without using a curse word..
or insulting others. .
but we are not all gods on here Kauket some people like to have fun and just play so welcome ;D
Quoting this for emphasis. If you didn't get a degree or certification, you aren't more "qualified" than anyone else to talk about a videogame. And no, I'm sorry, your collection of poopsocks does not count towards qualifications.
fake edit: i make a reference to poopsocks after quoting a guy named poopster... yay internet!
heh I know who yer not pointing a finger at...
and yeah, the "I'm god" like attitude really puts a dampner on the threads. Someone puts some time in with a little insight of their own on a subject, then the person with "God complex" has a need to stomp all over their effort.
I'd gather there are several possible reasons for this kind of behavior:
-They think their superior knowledge of the useless elevates them above the norm. How many 'professional' video gamers out there have a degree or even a decent paying job?
-They have, unkown to themselves, a mental disorder that they believe they are a god in their own little world. Which can be controled with proper medication.
-They have very small "penis". As in their brain capacity can only spew forth little spurts of waste, that at best, is left wiped on the couch.
-Beacuse in reality, they are really boarderline losers in life with no friends and use the internet as their platform to projectile an image to appear superior.
..of course, these are only assumptions. I'm not a head doctor, but I did have a good nights sleep at Howard Johnsons. ;D
I give you this simple illustration:
I am willing to bet a round of drinks that he-who-shall-not-be-named and his lollipop guild are sanctimonious pricks online only, and just normal fun-loving fellows IRL.
Touche good sir, touche. Sometimes, however, it's good to just blow off some steam before melting into bed.
I laughed...
What usually happens is that a new player asks a question about gameplay.
Some people on these forums will provide a bad answer to the question; unfortunately, when they corrected, they get pissy. Based on months of observations (or in some cases years), I feel that I can safely assume these are the people that never improve at anything IRL beyond what they can do on their own. Most likely, they don't work well (or have no experience with) sports teams or other organized groups where advice and correction come from more experienced people such as coaches, veteran group members, or peers with more experience/talent in a particular area.
The alleged "jerks", "assholes", "jackasses", ad nauseum (note: all terms that the self-described "nice guys" here on TN use to describe other people) are more willing to take advice than most other players. As a result, they tend to progress faster and to higher-levels of play. The problem comes when, foolishly, these players assume that because Tribes 2 is just a game, no one will have so much pride they can't take any advice. This is a poor assumption as shown be events on these forums.
( I believe, I'm too lazy to google it. )
thebeaz is making fun of my poopsocks =P
lol yeh all 15 of them
There were 15?! Wow. More popular than I thought.
I will say the grappling gun was fun...made me feel like Spiderwoman...
That's because this game about 5 years is past it's prime and once dead, tough to resurrect?
The skill level of the newer generation of players has been dumbed down to icon management and social fashion shows?
It's a holiday weekend (in the USA) and most people are enjoying the great outdoors?
tv, the bastard child of tribes