Natural Selection 2 Preorder ready to roll fuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeeah
Later chumps. Hope to see you shit heads in the corridors - unless the learning curve's too high for ya. :P
Oh yeah, and before some twink starts crying "tribes next, never forget!" :'(
There are jetpacks. That is all.
Later chumps. Hope to see you shit heads in the corridors - unless the learning curve's too high for ya. :P
Oh yeah, and before some twink starts crying "tribes next, never forget!" :'(
There are jetpacks. That is all.
goodbye. we're glad to be rid of you.
Tribes 2 > Natural Selection 2
Go ahead and leave. No one cares. Why bid farewell?
I've haven't played tribes in months. It's not like I'm broadcasting that I'm leaving this cute little community - I'll always be here to tickle your asshole, Abstract - but to put it simply, now that NS2 is almost here I will likely never play another game again. NS2 will be the ultimate product of perfection. which is better than tribes. in every way.
Besides, T2 is free, NS2 will not be. End of story.
As for an 8 year old video game costing $20 less than a modern day game - how dare indy developers ask for compensation for all their hard work! What a bunch of fucking jerks!
It's pretty obviously Poopster is the only dude itt who's ever played - or heard of - Natural Selection. I'd figure tribes players would seek out other games involving complicated and intricate team based strategy and "easy to learn, difficult to master" game mechanics. I guess most people who still plug their free time into a game they played 8 years ago are a little hesitant to try new things. Is that a fair assumption?
I've gotta say, it's pretty astounding how sheltered a community revolving around a video game is when it comes to other video games. I swear to god the only other game you people play is Solitaire.
I don't know what Section 8 is, but if you want to compare games look at Global Agenda