ServerPrefs.cs revert to default after launching server

Strange when I start the server my ServerPrefs.cs
revert to a default condition

All my ServerPrefs.cs details are lost.

Not sure why
I am using TCAdmin to run the server.

See my other post here


  • What does your startup string look like? Delete any dsos before and after making any changes?
  • Usually this happens if you have a bad custom map on the server, like one that uses a hyphen in its .mis file name. This causes a hyphenated variable to be dropped to the ServerPrefs.cs file, which in turn causes a syntax error when you try to run it and overwrites it.
  • Thank you both for your replies...

    I'm not sure if this is answering your question...
    I deleted the .dso files but it still over writes to a default ServerPrefs.cs

    In TCAdmin this is my command line to start the server
    tribes2.exe -dedicated -serverprefs prefs/ServerPrefs.cs Katabatic CTF -bot 6 -mod Classic

    Red Shifter
    The server is just the default install no extra maps.

    $Host::BindAddress =;
    $Host::AdminPassword = "*****";
    $Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = 1;
    $Host::BanTime = 1800;
    $Host::BotCount = 6;
    $Host::BotsEnabled = "1";
    $Host::CRCTextures = 1;
    $Host::Dedicated = 1;
    $Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
    $Host::GameName = "Pantless-Clan Tribes2";
    $Host::HiVisibility = "0";
    $Host::holoName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::holoName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::holoName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::holoName4 = "DSword";
    $Host::holoName5 = "BloodEagle";
    $Host::holoName6 = "Harbinger";
    $Host::Info = "This is a pantles-clan Tribes 2 Server";
    $Host::KickBanTime = 300;
    $Host::Map = "Katabatic";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAbominable_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAgentsOfFortune_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAlcatraz_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsArchipelago_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAshesToAshes_CnH = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsBeggarsRun_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCaldera_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDamnation_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDeathBirdsFly_CTF = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDesiccator_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Bounty = "16 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_DM = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Rabbit = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_TeamHunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CnH = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CTF = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFlashpoint_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGauntlet_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_Hunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_TeamHunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsIcebound_Siege = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsInsalubria_CnH = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsJacobsLadder_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsKatabatic_CTF = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMasada_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMinotaur_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Rabbit = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOasis_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOverreach_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsQuagmire_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRecalescence_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRespite_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsReversion_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRimehold_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRiverdance_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSanctuary_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSirocco_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSlapdash_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTalus_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsThinIce_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTombstone_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUltimaThule_Siege = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_DM = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.75";
    $Host::MaxMessageLen = 120;
    $Host::MaxPlayers = "36";
    $Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0.5";
    $Host::MissionType = "CTF";
    $Host::NoSmurfs = 0;
    $Host::Password = "*****";
    $Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = 60;
    $Host::Port = 28000;
    $Host::PureServer = 1;
    $Host::Siege::Halftime = 20000;
    $Host::TeamDamageOn = 0;
    $Host::TeamName0 = "Unassigned";
    $Host::TeamName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::TeamName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::TeamName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::TeamName4 = "Diamond Sword";
    $Host::TeamName5 = "Blood Eagle";
    $Host::TeamName6 = "Phoenix";
    $Host::TeamSkin0 = "blank";
    $Host::TeamSkin1 = "base";
    $Host::TeamSkin2 = "baseb";
    $Host::TeamSkin3 = "swolf";
    $Host::TeamSkin4 = "dsword";
    $Host::TeamSkin5 = "beagle";
    $Host::TeamSkin6 = "cotp";
    $Host::TimeLimit = 30;
    $Host::TN::beat = 3;
    $Host::TN::echo = 1;
    $Host::TournamentMode = 0;
    $Host::VotePassPercent = 60;
    $Host::VoteSpread = 20;
    $Host::VoteTime = 30;
    $Host::warmupTime = 20;

    $Host::BindAddress =;
    $Host::AdminPassword = "*****";
    $Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = 1;
    $Host::BanTime = 1800;
    $Host::BotCount = 6;
    $Host::BotsEnabled = "1";
    $Host::CRCTextures = 1;
    $Host::Dedicated = 1;
    $Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
    $Host::GameName = "Pantless-Clan Tribes2";
    $Host::HiVisibility = "0";
    $Host::holoName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::holoName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::holoName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::holoName4 = "DSword";
    $Host::holoName5 = "BloodEagle";
    $Host::holoName6 = "Harbinger";
    $Host::Info = "This is a pantles-clan Tribes 2 Server";
    $Host::KickBanTime = 300;
    $Host::Map = "Katabatic";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAbominable_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAgentsOfFortune_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAlcatraz_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsArchipelago_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAshesToAshes_CnH = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsBeggarsRun_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCaldera_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDamnation_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDeathBirdsFly_CTF = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDesiccator_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Bounty = "16 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_DM = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Rabbit = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_TeamHunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CnH = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CTF = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFlashpoint_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGauntlet_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_Hunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_TeamHunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsIcebound_Siege = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsInsalubria_CnH = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsJacobsLadder_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsKatabatic_CTF = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMasada_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMinotaur_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Rabbit = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOasis_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOverreach_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsQuagmire_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRecalescence_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRespite_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsReversion_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRimehold_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRiverdance_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSanctuary_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSirocco_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSlapdash_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTalus_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsThinIce_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTombstone_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUltimaThule_Siege = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_DM = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.75";
    $Host::MaxMessageLen = 120;
    $Host::MaxPlayers = "36";
    $Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0.5";
    $Host::MissionType = "CTF";
    $Host::NoSmurfs = 0;
    $Host::Password = "*****";
    $Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = 60;
    $Host::Port = 28000;
    $Host::PureServer = 1;
    $Host::Siege::Halftime = 20000;
    $Host::TeamDamageOn = 0;
    $Host::TeamName0 = "Unassigned";
    $Host::TeamName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::TeamName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::TeamName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::TeamName4 = "Diamond Sword";
    $Host::TeamName5 = "Blood Eagle";
    $Host::TeamName6 = "Phoenix";
    $Host::TeamSkin0 = "blank";
    $Host::TeamSkin1 = "base";
    $Host::TeamSkin2 = "baseb";
    $Host::TeamSkin3 = "swolf";
    $Host::TeamSkin4 = "dsword";
    $Host::TeamSkin5 = "beagle";
    $Host::TeamSkin6 = "cotp";
    $Host::TimeLimit = 30;
    $Host::TN::beat = 3;
    $Host::TN::echo = 1;
    $Host::TournamentMode = 0;
    $Host::VotePassPercent = 60;
    $Host::VoteSpread = 20;
    $Host::VoteTime = 30;
    $Host::warmupTime = 20;

    $Host::BindAddress =;
    $Host::AdminPassword = "*****";
    $Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = 1;
    $Host::BanTime = 1800;
    $Host::BotCount = 6;
    $Host::BotsEnabled = "1";
    $Host::CRCTextures = 1;
    $Host::Dedicated = 1;
    $Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
    $Host::GameName = "Pantless-Clan Tribes2";
    $Host::HiVisibility = "0";
    $Host::holoName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::holoName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::holoName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::holoName4 = "DSword";
    $Host::holoName5 = "BloodEagle";
    $Host::holoName6 = "Harbinger";
    $Host::Info = "This is a pantles-clan Tribes 2 Server";
    $Host::KickBanTime = 300;
    $Host::Map = "Katabatic";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAbominable_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAgentsOfFortune_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAlcatraz_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsArchipelago_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsAshesToAshes_CnH = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsBeggarsRun_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCaldera_Siege = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDamnation_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDeathBirdsFly_CTF = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDesiccator_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Bounty = "16 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_DM = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Rabbit = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_TeamHunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CnH = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CTF = "-1 24";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsFlashpoint_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGauntlet_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_Hunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_TeamHunters = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsIcebound_Siege = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsInsalubria_CnH = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsJacobsLadder_CnH = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsKatabatic_CTF = "-1 48";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMasada_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMinotaur_CTF = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Hunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Rabbit = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOasis_DM = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsOverreach_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsQuagmire_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRecalescence_CTF = "16 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRespite_Siege = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsReversion_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRimehold_Hunters = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsRiverdance_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSanctuary_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSirocco_CnH = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSlapdash_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTalus_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsThinIce_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsTombstone_CTF = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUltimaThule_Siege = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_Bounty = "-1 32";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_DM = "-1 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_Bounty = "8 -1";
    $Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_DM = "8 -1";
    $Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.75";
    $Host::MaxMessageLen = 120;
    $Host::MaxPlayers = "36";
    $Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0.5";
    $Host::MissionType = "CTF";
    $Host::NoSmurfs = 0;
    $Host::Password = "*****";
    $Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = 60;
    $Host::Port = 28000;
    $Host::PureServer = 1;
    $Host::Siege::Halftime = 20000;
    $Host::TeamDamageOn = 0;
    $Host::TeamName0 = "Unassigned";
    $Host::TeamName1 = "Storm";
    $Host::TeamName2 = "Inferno";
    $Host::TeamName3 = "Starwolf";
    $Host::TeamName4 = "Diamond Sword";
    $Host::TeamName5 = "Blood Eagle";
    $Host::TeamName6 = "Phoenix";
    $Host::TeamSkin0 = "blank";
    $Host::TeamSkin1 = "base";
    $Host::TeamSkin2 = "baseb";
    $Host::TeamSkin3 = "swolf";
    $Host::TeamSkin4 = "dsword";
    $Host::TeamSkin5 = "beagle";
    $Host::TeamSkin6 = "cotp";
    $Host::TimeLimit = 30;
    $Host::TN::beat = 3;
    $Host::TN::echo = 1;
    $Host::TournamentMode = 0;
    $Host::VotePassPercent = 60;
    $Host::VoteSpread = 20;
    $Host::VoteTime = 30;
    $Host::warmupTime = 20;
  • You can try setting the preference file as read only.
  • You can try setting the preference file as read only.
    Thank you Thyth
    I will try your suggestion... ;)
  • edited June 2009
    nope ...
    It keeps reverting to server name "Tribes 2 Classic Server"

    Is this command line correct?

    Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mission Katabatic CTF -bot 6 -mod Classic
  • I had made full backup of the original Tribes 2 server install.
    I just deleted the non working server install & copied over the backed up fresh install.

    It works now...
    Pantless-Clan Tribes2 Classic 6 bots 36 slot dedicated Katabatic CTF

    Thank you all for your help.
  • The value of the $Host::BindAddress variable needs to be in quotations.
    $Host::BindAddress =;
    should be
    $Host::BindAddress = "";
  • Wonder what the cause was. Glad you fixed it anyway!

    Now if you run bots, you will probably want to set them to .99 skill, otherwise they're pretty tarded. You might want to check out Lagg's bots, but if you run the community update patch you have Lagg's ai already.
  • The value of the $Host::BindAddress variable needs to be in quotations.
    $Host::BindAddress =;
    should be
    $Host::BindAddress = "";

    Thanks for pointing that out Red Shifter... ;)
    I will fix that.

    I currently run the server with 6 bots and the update from TribesNext
  • Hmm. Dunno if tn includes the community patch scripts.vl2, wich is what you want.
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