Oh but of course, how fucking retarded of me. How dare I express an opinion? Who do I think I am, someone worth giving a flying fuck about? Quite clearly I am mistaken if that's the case.
well there is a script that puts a line above peoples head and you put your mortar reticle at the top of that line and you will hit every time.
To my knowledge, there is no vanilla script available that will do this while compensating for height and your movement. Those lines you frequently see in screenshots is just the result of replacing the little red triangle that identifies enemies when they are in your sensor net (known as the IFF) with a giant red arrow. The size of said arrow does not in any way reflect where you would shoot your mortar to make a hit.
WFIW I hit the invos/turret on DX and some other maps at 300+ meters without spampoint scripts, just with a rangefinder and manually compensating for elevation from a number of memorized locations. It's no more difficult than memorizing where to aim your disc in order to hit your target. Actually, it's less dificult than that. Anyway, spampoints only work for static locations, not players so you're just being silly again.
Though TBH I'm starting to get the feeling that at some point Thyth or someone else took over the account for "The | Sniper" and all his later replies are just ellaborate trolls :v.
Well it is possable "hurrr" that what you say is true atleast about the mortar thing anyway. But one thing you do have to admit is you/i have seen some questionable mortar'ing and other things going on we all have (people that know better any way).
I dont really follow what scripts are out and what ones arnt because i dont really use them at all. Sure i use ones that change the color of my GUI and a voice pack or two but thats about it. And oh ya custom player/weapon skins aswell i use, But hey if your that good and you dont need the mortar script then gratz i have repect for that.
And BTW no one has looked over my account because there is no reason too. You may be familiar with the past when a few jokers started a nasty lie and all the sheep jumped onboard saying i cheat. But in the 5 years i have been playing this game 3 of those years certain people like EWO and others did an investigation of this claim. after 3 years!! no i repeat NO evidence even in the slightest mannor was ever given. and the people that made those claims were caught in lies that proved with out a dought that i was inocent.
we even had a recording of one of them admiting it to me on EWO teamspeak LOL. And an admin was there listening aswell so there is no reason to look over my account or my actions in game. HOWEVER i do welcome it if thats the case, because it shows me atleast one person is trying to stop cheating. Sure i have my haters and im ok with that but what everyone needs to know is they hate me cuz for years they tried to lie and discredit me.
But they failed and also got caught in lies and now they are mad and bitter that there tactics didnt work. Im sorta waiting to see what they come up with next LOL should be amusing im sure. To be honest people i dont think im the best, that notion has come to be through the various threads of people saying that. You will not find a single post anywhere with me saying im the best because iv never said it.
HOWEVER i do think im good and people can take that how ever they like. To me its just self confidence to others its ego what can i do LOL. The only thing i can do really is play with honnor because skill is everything in my world. I like to be good at the things i do and some people would mistake that for ego or selfishness. I am a fierce competitor and some times emotions run high but thats why we play
Listen people im not the devil if you actually got to know me im quite mellow so here is what ill do.
if anyone would like to chat play games or just hang out come talk to me and find out for yourself i host and own a multi gaming community (24/7/365 teamspeak server) Power Gamers Online was made by me and The | Policeman
TS IP# : powergamers.no-ip.biz
P.S. if any player should be considered for this voting poll The | Policeman would be my choice. He is brutal with a disc launcher best i have ever seen, He truly has skill in tribes 2 and he never chains,mine disc,rams he is all buisness and does not need "bitch tactics"
BTW i have already offered teamspeak to ANY tribe/clan who needs it for FREE if you are a leader and want your own tribes 2 channel simply come on TS and ask and its done! no charge no donations EVER simply FREE to ALL tribes 2 players.
No one thinks you cheat. Probably no one you've seen outside of EWO has even considered for a second that you might cheat. You suck too much. EWO is comprised of more terrible newbs than Goon Haven ever could be, so maybe one of those idiots thought you cheated. However, once you stepped outside of EWO into the real world, you were just another random scrub from EWO who runs around and gets owned. Now you are the newb who runs around accusing others of cheating and "using scripts" with absolute zero evidence. I guess the real world is too much for you, just like it's too much for your EWO newb brethren. All you have in your defense is a single screenshot that witnesses say is not legit, and regardless it was done in a newbie server where half the players barely know how to move (wow sniping them is so hard). Compare that with your posts on the forums where you type like someone who knows nothing about the game, and your performance every time you play in Goon Haven where you play like someone who knows nothing about the game. In the end, you are quite simply just a really really bad player. And you're dumb. You're probably too dumb to realize that this post was made out of sarcasm just to insult you, and that's why people are voting for you.
kryand sure cheated by putting up all those turrets and then using cg
no way he could've deployed something like that
all to beat up the best tank driver in t2 who thinks there's a purpose to going offense with a tank without having a gunner
Lol Kryand you are a fool. So... do you expect everyone to believe that we met in a chance encounter alone (Note: You'd think lots of noobs would be hovering around the MPB; or that flag for that matter) and I, for some reason or other, ejected from my tank right next to the MPB and the farm? Oh and another thing, If I was to retreive the flag I wouldve got closer than that, after all, the tank acts like a shield.
By the way... what are you trying to prove? Any idiot, any LD or LO can pull out a chaingun and chain someone with 90 percent of health down. Wow so if that is me I got pwnt by a plasma turret, Like thousands of players before me havent.
Rofl maybe I should post demos of me ramming everyone, imagine that. Almost ALL of the players active today with demos of them getting hit by a tank.
The only way to prove if that was me or not is to post a demo, see my reaction, skin and global chat.
Nope, GIFs are better. Who wants to watch an entire demo just for one moment where you get killed. You spent the whole rest of the map getting killed at your own base, so I don't have clips of that.
Lol Kryand you are a fool. So... do you expect everyone to believe that we met in a chance encounter alone (Note: You'd think lots of noobs would be hovering around the MPB; or that flag for that matter)
Like you said, you're in a different time zone. Not as many people are in the server at the times you play. If you want I could post another GIF showing the farmer and a random HD as I turn around to cap the flag.
and I, for some reason or other, ejected from my tank right next to the MPB and the farm? Oh and another thing, If I was to retreive the flag I wouldve got closer than that, after all, the tank acts like a shield.
Well, you didn't. Better luck next time.
By the way... what are you trying to prove? Any idiot, any LD or LO can pull out a chaingun and chain someone with 90 percent of health down. Wow so if that is me I got pwnt by a plasma turret, Like thousands of players before me havent.
Actually I'm mostly just trying to prove that I have in fact seen you in game. So I'm not just talking out of my ass when I say you suck; I've seen it first hand.
Rofl maybe I should post demos of me ramming everyone, imagine that. Almost ALL of the players active today with demos of them getting hit by a tank.
You know something... Im going to start.
I doubt that. You haven't posted any demos for the past several months that people have been asking. They all want evidence that you are anywhere near as good as you claim, but you produce nothing. What does that tell you?
You're the only one desperate enough to prove your worth to think the GIFs must be faked, so really I'd only be posting the demo for you. Not very much motivation there. Sorry but I don't publicize demos unless there's a valid reason.
Ah theBeaz is here. Maybe you could beg him to look through the Goon Haven logs for that moment. 8/12/09 2:21:07 PM Central is the demo time, and it occurred a little after 7:10 into it... so 2:28:17 PM Central in the logs and a little bit thereafter.
You know Kryand, until you post that demo, for all we know what really happened was that Demoncard saw his flag carrier coming towards him from the other direction, and decided that not only was he going to hop out of the tank to let the FC hop in and cap, but that because of the Plasma turret, he would have to jump up and let the turret fire on him instead of the tank. Alas, this gambit would have proved to be a failure because of the missile, but for all we know, this man was trying to be a hero.
what kind of noob capper would jump into a tank surrounded by like 10 enemy turrets and drive it home? this isn't base mod, where it would STILL be a bad idea. in fact, it would have been a better idea for the driver to stay in the tank so the carrier could get in the back and man the turret, since weapon energy doesn't take away from shield energy. and if there's a missile on its way, why isn't "the best tank driver" throwing flares? nothing about this strategy makes sense.
clearly demoncard knows things about using tanks that i don't, like how to create the illusion that he's a completely worthless player. that IS an illusion, right?
You know Kryand, until you post that demo, for all we know what really happened was that Demoncard saw his flag carrier coming towards him from the other direction, and decided that not only was he going to hop out of the tank to let the FC hop in and cap, but that because of the Plasma turret, he would have to jump up and let the turret fire on him instead of the tank. Alas, this gambit would have proved to be a failure because of the missile, but for all we know, this man was trying to be a hero.
Man, I wish I had that REC'd, but alas:
This is clearly a photoshop. I demand that you show a video feed of you computer screen with the REAL recording which was ACTUALLY on 8/12 and not 8/13!!!!!!!!!
what kind of noob capper would jump into a tank surrounded by like 10 enemy turrets and drive it home? this isn't base mod, where it would STILL be a bad idea. in fact, it would have been a better idea for the driver to stay in the tank so the carrier could get in the back and man the turret, since weapon energy doesn't take away from shield energy. and if there's a missile on its way, why isn't "the best tank driver" throwing flares? nothing about this strategy makes sense.
clearly demoncard knows things about using tanks that i don't, like how to create the illusion that he's a completely worthless player. that IS an illusion, right?
clearly you're short sighted, and live in a retirement home.
The carrier died as my tank reached.
I ejected from the tank to retreive my team's flag.
I thought the plasma turret would be distracted by the tank, which it didnt.
He slowed down that gif for added effect, in reality, all that would have happened in a few seconds.
The reason why Kryand isnt posting the demo is because he doesnt want to show everyone how good a tank I really am.
Sure, a turret killed me. But really, none of you n00bs would have. (the tank was already damaged, i was defending against a rapetrain.)
I assaulted the enemy vpad twice without a bombadier, on the second run i was damaged by a bunch of angry HDs, then i died at the hands of whoever.
Post the demo Kryand, lets see how good you really are.
Or maybe, just maybe, he sucks.
The best player in GoonHaven would be a good ho, a good vehicle pilot, a good capper, a good sniper, a good HD, and a good dueler.
I dont think anyone has all of these skills.
So, atm, there cannot be the "BEST" player, because the "BEST" player would need to be good at everything.
The fact that you actually believe this is proof that you are incredibly inexperienced. There are many players who are good at every position in the game, and even a few who have masteredevery position in the game.
lol like 1 death/kill either way made a difference? Note im a tank driver, not a dueler.
I think i did pretty well, considering ive hardly ever dueled.
Demoncard you have been owned so badly in this thread; do you really want me to keep ridiculing you? Because I seriously will. After seeing you in game, I can say for sure that there is literally no end to the number of ways I can accomplish this. You are so damn terrible at this game.
The fact that you actually believe this is proof that you are incredibly inexperienced. There are many players who are good at every position in the game, and even a few who have masteredevery position in the game.
Do you mind saying who? Noone.
Double post. Sue me. 8)
To name the first few that come to mind:
kmz, thaen, me, nevares, darkstrand, crackpipemidget, projectile (shriking is questionable), julius, snipah (shrike horror)
And probably more that I chose to leave off, but I couldn't decide where exactly to draw the line of "good" for every position. However, all of those players would definitely be above it.
LOL. Quick, convince yourself that you won so you can leave the thread and not feel like killing yourself. That's actually probably the best course of action for you now, because god damn you are getting just emaciated.
Because Demoncard probably has some lame excuse not to. If he even has a brain, he knows how it will end. Even on a euro server (that server), it would end the same way. Heck, we should have done it right then and there, but Demoncard was too sore from getting beat by a couple-month-new T2 player to accept my challenge.
Demoncard, please stop it, for your own sake. You've been owned again and again, while desperately trying to make stupid comebacks and excuses to evade humiliation. It's not working, and any more attempts would be swiftly struck down. From what I've seen, you are not a great player, nor are good enough to hold the title of "best tank driver" that you try to assert your worth with to the community. I don't mind people who want to learn, but sheer arrogance and blind claims won't help you out.
yea. cut it out kid.
Nobody wants to hear it.
no way he could've deployed something like that
all to beat up the best tank driver in t2 who thinks there's a purpose to going offense with a tank without having a gunner
To my knowledge, there is no vanilla script available that will do this while compensating for height and your movement. Those lines you frequently see in screenshots is just the result of replacing the little red triangle that identifies enemies when they are in your sensor net (known as the IFF) with a giant red arrow. The size of said arrow does not in any way reflect where you would shoot your mortar to make a hit.
Though TBH I'm starting to get the feeling that at some point Thyth or someone else took over the account for "The | Sniper" and all his later replies are just ellaborate trolls :v.
demos or it didn't happen!
I dont really follow what scripts are out and what ones arnt because i dont really use them at all. Sure i use ones that change the color of my GUI and a voice pack or two but thats about it. And oh ya custom player/weapon skins aswell i use, But hey if your that good and you dont need the mortar script then gratz i have repect for that.
And BTW no one has looked over my account because there is no reason too. You may be familiar with the past when a few jokers started a nasty lie and all the sheep jumped onboard saying i cheat. But in the 5 years i have been playing this game 3 of those years certain people like EWO and others did an investigation of this claim. after 3 years!! no i repeat NO evidence even in the slightest mannor was ever given. and the people that made those claims were caught in lies that proved with out a dought that i was inocent.
we even had a recording of one of them admiting it to me on EWO teamspeak LOL. And an admin was there listening aswell so there is no reason to look over my account or my actions in game. HOWEVER i do welcome it if thats the case, because it shows me atleast one person is trying to stop cheating. Sure i have my haters and im ok with that
But they failed and also got caught in lies and now they are mad and bitter that there tactics didnt work. Im sorta waiting to see what they come up with next LOL should be amusing im sure. To be honest people i dont think im the best, that notion has come to be through the various threads of people saying that. You will not find a single post anywhere with me saying im the best because iv never said it.
HOWEVER i do think im good and people can take that how ever they like. To me its just self confidence to others its ego what can i do LOL. The only thing i can do really is play with honnor because skill is everything in my world. I like to be good at the things i do and some people would mistake that for ego or selfishness. I am a fierce competitor and some times emotions run high but thats why we play
Listen people im not the devil if you actually got to know me im quite mellow so here is what ill do.
if anyone would like to chat play games or just hang out come talk to me and find out for yourself
TS IP# : powergamers.no-ip.biz
P.S. if any player should be considered for this voting poll The | Policeman would be my choice. He is brutal with a disc launcher best i have ever seen, He truly has skill in tribes 2 and he never chains,mine disc,rams he is all buisness and does not need "bitch tactics"
BTW i have already offered teamspeak to ANY tribe/clan who needs it for FREE if you are a leader and want your own tribes 2 channel simply come on TS and ask and its done! no charge no donations EVER simply FREE to ALL tribes 2 players.
The | Sniper
The | Sniper now uses paragraphs, punctuation, and spells words correctly?
My favorite TN troll has died.
Also, you llamas should be voting for Julius.
The only way to prove if that was me or not is to post a demo, see my reaction, skin and global chat.
Lol Kryand you are a fool. So... do you expect everyone to believe that we met in a chance encounter alone (Note: You'd think lots of noobs would be hovering around the MPB; or that flag for that matter) and I, for some reason or other, ejected from my tank right next to the MPB and the farm? Oh and another thing, If I was to retreive the flag I wouldve got closer than that, after all, the tank acts like a shield.
By the way... what are you trying to prove? Any idiot, any LD or LO can pull out a chaingun and chain someone with 90 percent of health down. Wow so if that is me I got pwnt by a plasma turret, Like thousands of players before me havent.
Rofl maybe I should post demos of me ramming everyone, imagine that. Almost ALL of the players active today with demos of them getting hit by a tank.
You know something... Im going to start.
Like you said, you're in a different time zone. Not as many people are in the server at the times you play. If you want I could post another GIF showing the farmer and a random HD as I turn around to cap the flag.
Well, you didn't. Better luck next time.
Actually I'm mostly just trying to prove that I have in fact seen you in game. So I'm not just talking out of my ass when I say you suck; I've seen it first hand.
I doubt that. You haven't posted any demos for the past several months that people have been asking. They all want evidence that you are anywhere near as good as you claim, but you produce nothing. What does that tell you?
Man, I wish I had that REC'd, but alas:
clearly demoncard knows things about using tanks that i don't, like how to create the illusion that he's a completely worthless player. that IS an illusion, right?
This is clearly a photoshop. I demand that you show a video feed of you computer screen with the REAL recording which was ACTUALLY on 8/12 and not 8/13!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, the dude's Chaingun is like the unavoidable fist of an angry god :V.
The carrier died as my tank reached.
I ejected from the tank to retreive my team's flag.
I thought the plasma turret would be distracted by the tank, which it didnt.
He slowed down that gif for added effect, in reality, all that would have happened in a few seconds.
The reason why Kryand isnt posting the demo is because he doesnt want to show everyone how good a tank I really am.
Sure, a turret killed me. But really, none of you n00bs would have.
I assaulted the enemy vpad twice without a bombadier, on the second run i was damaged by a bunch of angry HDs, then i died at the hands of whoever.
Post the demo Kryand, lets see how good you really are.
Or maybe, just maybe, he sucks.
Post the demo, chump.
I voted julius.
Do you mind saying who? Noone.
Double post. Sue me. 8)
I think i did pretty well, considering ive hardly ever dueled.
Still, you suck, post the demo, chicken.
And you didnt reply to my other post.
Did you lose? Yes.
I win the arguement, you can suck my balls.
That screenshot is proof he's been stalking me.
Oh yeah let me answer your question:
To name the first few that come to mind:
kmz, thaen, me, nevares, darkstrand, crackpipemidget, projectile (shriking is questionable), julius, snipah (shrike horror)
And probably more that I chose to leave off, but I couldn't decide where exactly to draw the line of "good" for every position. However, all of those players would definitely be above it.
LOL. Quick, convince yourself that you won so you can leave the thread and not feel like killing yourself. That's actually probably the best course of action for you now, because god damn you are getting just emaciated.