still some players around?

Hi everybody,
i played tribes 2 a long time ago and REALLY enjoyed it, and would like to give it a try again, but i wonder if there are still people out there playing it?


  • Yep. Mainly on the Goon Haven server though. It's still fun as hell, trust me ;)
  • i forgot to tell that i'm from europe...are there still some euroservers?
  • ZORN is the only server with people on it, well at least sometimes. Unfortunately, at the moment there isn't much going on aside from some lak / arena / TR2 games each day.
    If you want to keep in touch with the T2 eu "community" idle on on Quakenet ;)

    I swear if all those euro pubbers on Goon Haven would join the ZORN server we could have some nice games each day, but oh well...
  • Judging by the server list, there's about 100 players on at the moment. Although I think the actual player-base for this game is 150 players. That's if I'm reading the server list correctly.
  • ZORN is the only server with people on it, well at least sometimes. Unfortunately, at the moment there isn't much going on aside from some lak / arena / TR2 games each day.
    If you want to keep in touch with the T2 eu "community" idle on on Quakenet ;)

    I swear if all those euro pubbers on Goon Haven would join the ZORN server we could have some nice games each day, but oh well...
    i just rejoined the other day and felt like i was 56k again. do i want to devote the time again?
    yes if i could make the same m8s over
  • Sorry. RL keeping me pinned down else i"d be in a fiar bit more... though probably on goon haven.
  • Ssential, most of the current euro ppl are ex clan players, (and the goon population has MANYYY noobs in it), so just think a moment about a BASE pub with clanppl.... SNIPE AND CHAIN

    probably thats why only lak and such mods are played :) the only other thing would be cluster mixies, but afaik no one responds in irc/not all use it anymore...

    but hm, now that i think of it, is it rly more funny to play with high ping and that US rape/full def boons... :)
  • Yep. Mainly on the Goon Haven server though. It's still fun as hell, trust me ;)
    yes its' fun for a while, but its not T2. it's just another "deathmatch" server. could be as well ut or quake server would not make a big difference. has not much to do with playing tribes. ???
  • I remember being @ CompUSA the morning T2 came out, struggling with the "giving up" of 3dfx --> Nvidia (back then it was troublesome, and they'd yet to announce their soon to be end-of-line/company)

    anywho, most addictive thing i'd ever purchased at that point, played in TTC for a year or so, and when they added the Classic / TR2 patches (like most tribes) they split, and i played on & off (mainly lakrabbit, houstan/miami vehicles) until i got ahold of WOW (cancellation was the best thing i've done still to this day of my account ... 4+ years and i was exhausted from raiding all the time)

    tribes 2 never made me feel exhausted, used to be loads of fun, etc (of course my skills were much better back then)

    just re-installed it about a week ago (actually just found out about the tribesnext project) and the only server many play on is the one I frequent as well (goon's) but .... these people obviously didn't stop playing for the years that I have (aka ... i get my butt kicked quite alot, can't seem to aim or have the "rhythm" i used to when even gearing up in a heavy to assault the other base)

    it's probably just lack of playing a game that takes "skill" as opposed to one you farm for "skill" after all these years and i'm sure (as when i began) i'll get better after i get my butt kicked for a few weeks (although not much, but somewhat better --i've aged quite a bit since that formentioned day @CompUSA)
    that's assuming that the maps don't switch as soon as i deploy a remote inventory station or i don't get teamkilled (but it's all still just as much fun as i remember)

    much appreciation to those who "revived" the game and to those that admin the servers that still exist ...

    thanks ;)
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