Tribes 2 rising from the ashes (The Phoenix Project)
Well, that is what I am going to name it. We need to find a way to let people know that this game is still alive. We need to do whatever we can to draw new players into the game. We need to do whatever it takes to help this game rise to new heights again. That means making videos and getting them out there on you-tube and other locations. We need to advertise we need to be posting on twitter and face-book and what ever other places you can think of. We need to create a tribes-next face-book page. We need to find out what are the talents of the players we do have and use it. Making wallpaper, Videos, Training videos, or whatever else you all can think of. Maybe even gets some competitions going on. Its not good having only one server that is filled with players we should have many to choose from. We need to let everyone know this game is free to download and is one hell of a fun game to play. If we don't start doing something soon this game is going to be a dead duck.
Just my 2 cents
Just my 2 cents
Make sure you put everything anyone would need on the CD:
* The 500mb T2 install
* The latest TribesNext patch
* The TWL map packs
* An HTML readme with brief instructions and links to helpful websites:
* Include parts of the forum FAQs into the HTML file
But I stress again to make sure EVERYTHING people need is on the CD. No one is going to track down the patch or anything for themselves, and most probably won't want to visit any website to get support either.
They refuse to do it.
That's the one thing that'll attract more players than anything else.
Instead of putting the T2 install file on the CD, would it be possible to just put a copy of the already installed and patched game in on the CD? All you'd have to do from there is tell them to paste that folder on their C:/ drive or whatever, include a shortcut, and that should give them a good working copy of tribes 2 if I'm correct.
You could even add in any map packs or scripts right in the pre-installed copy so that they wouldn't have to do it themselves and could start playing right away.
I made this readme as an example:
Someone else can make a better style-sheet for it and re-host it. I was only concerned with the content.
Also, it would help to give the CD some sort of Autorun functionality, so that people don't get confused when they put in the CD and nothing happens. Believe it or not, some people would never think to open the CD manually. Of course you could also try printing instructions to do that right onto the CD.
Honestly it shouldn't be too hard to bring in new blood...The price is right and its how the orginal tribes became popular. The two biggest issues I can think of are the steep learning curve and the natural hostility of the average tribes player. Both of those things would deter new players.
make a youtube video named "top 5 free online fps" and just do t2 from 5-1.. those vids have many hits.
The target of promotion is NOT people who're intrested in nowadays games witch are good for max one month, then you forgot it, and they have shitty single and multiplayer - like MW2.
The target is people witch know what is teamplay, and know what is decent online gaming. So I think, people witch have contact with online games in "golden era" 1999 - 2005.
Promotion with video? Ok, MA fragmovies aren't perfect solution. Video shoud show the major adventages of Tribes: teamplay, 3D gamespace - not flat like in other fps, teamplay and that the TRIBES aren't easy game for idiots.
This movie got one good aspect - the text: "orher games are too easy":
This movie got good aspect too - showing part of a teamplay:
These can be inspiration, and ofc movie Tribes 2: yavor - Now we are free witch shows comparison. Now UT and Q3 ain't so recognizeble so theres a place for something new - eg. comparison between "tactical" fps and Tribes.
I would also add that I think the major problem is that this game is too clomplicated and not n00b friendly. Firstly we've got to install it, patch it, etc. Then try to figure out how to move, and how to change weapons. First of all we must think how make begginings more easy. Hmm, YT basic movie?
Thats all from me, now i go sleep.
BTW those videos aren't bad, but I think to draw people in we need them shorter and more action packed. Again just my humble opinion.
My 2 cents.
im excited
Was it because back-to-back and otherwise super awesome routes and stuff were considered 'trade secrets' during the T2 competition heyday era, or what? Even the TWL demo archive seems comparably light on recordings from a capper's POV related to other roles, or then I just fail at searching.
In short I think you are probably right. When Lonzo was around, they wanted to keep his routes under wraps, because 90% of being a good capper is simply knowing good routes.
Nevares and I are going to be working on an in-depth capping instructional video soon, but we are both really lazy so progress is going slow.
Second TWL Tribes 2 Map Pack for use in CTF competition. Also contains the Dynamix Final Map Pack . On the instruction paper I will tell them how to drag and drop the game folder to C:drive and to drag and drop short cuts to desktop . Instead of putting all the links in a notepad that they would have to copy and paste I'm going to make IE shortcut links they can click off the cd . Can you guys think of any thing else besides instructions for registering with TribesNext I could add to the game .
There are some things here:
Tribes 2 Offical Game Play Video
Tribes 2 Introduction
Tribes 2: yavor - Now we are free
Tribes 2: DOF - The DOFMies
Tribes 2 Classic |R| vs -IA- on Surreal
Tribes 2 - Automatic X - Mortar Madness
3w.Goofy "teh ug movie" Tribes 2 Classic Movie 5
Tribes 2 - inflow - Tribes Next
We also need to make some more that show newbies how to play. We could make others with voice overs that kind of make it like a movie. We could make them funny or serious. Something that makes them laugh, something that makes them think ( I want to play this game it looks like fun). I know there are people out there with the skills to do these videos. And we could all have fun making them and get listed in the credits of the video.
Just my 2 cents.