Just reading some posts and was wondering if Kryand is going to boast about the old days in Tribes at his High School Reunion like he does on these forums.....oh so passionate!
I for one enjoy it. Demoncard hasnt been making this forum his bitch like he usually does, and Kryand's diatribes are the closest thing to entertainment around here. I dont read his textwalls though, because those usually are things he actually cares about, and as a result, I dont.
we all say we hate the drama, but who would keep comming back to these forums if there wasn't anything interesting going on every once in a while? and for that, i thank you drama trolls with all my heart
Is The|Policeman still mad that he played some crappy guitar part in a different key than the song under it, and I called him on it?
and your so pathetic your still gratified by something that happened months ago, and you bring it up to make yourself feel better. ya, you should probably shoot yourself right now.
Any moment now...
It's just that good.
This whole thread is hilarious. I'm pretty sure hilarious threads are basically what Christmas is around for. LOL
Oh Kryand? I got used to him a year ago.
that was really funny
Wheres the "I'm tired of this thread" vote option?