Is cheating still a issue?

Im wondering what steps have been taken to prevent cheating in Tribes Next. I still am a huge fan of tribes 2 but found that the "happy mod" really killed it in pubs. it wasnt wide spread but it was bad enough to make me stop playing at that time though we were losing players to other games.

Hope to see some of yall in game!


  • A person cheats occasionally, but if they are actually using cheats to their advantage, they are detected and dealt with quickly enough. There's not much in the way of "prevention" yet, but it's not too hard to catch people cheating.
  • People mostly play on Goon Haven and Branzone.

    Cheating isn't much of a problem on either server. Generally the people cheating are really bad at the game, although there are a few that are good enough it is important.
  • a bit ironic you say that Teratos... im in a server been here for a few hours and have been called a botter... one guy didnt know how to use the disc/snipe method for a one shot snipe kill with the disc hitting him first. i really dunno but there is another post here that explains a bunch. have seen it first hand, im kinda not surprised this game died with some of the people playing. I have seen two names that go way back. if i recall right for pubs i was in the top 10 for snipers, i was really good at it. even then got called a hacker, eh doesnt matter. game is still as fun as i remember!
  • a bit ironic you say that Teratos... im in a server been here for a few hours and have been called a botter... one guy didnt know how to use the disc/snipe method for a one shot snipe kill with the disc hitting him first. i really dunno but there is another post here that explains a bunch. have seen it first hand, im kinda not surprised this game died with some of the people playing. I have seen two names that go way back. if i recall right for pubs i was in the top 10 for snipers, i was really good at it. even then got called a hacker, eh doesnt matter. game is still as fun as i remember!
    Are you admitting to cheating? :o

    Seriously though, these reckless cheat accusations can destroy the game. That's why I argued for a demo-required complaint policy on Goon Haven. Luckily the other admins agreed, and we typically don't accept any cheat accusations without demos (sometimes people get banned for things in the logs, like spamming & such). I think the other Goon Haven admins have done an excellent job of balancing a difficult situation - cheaters are banned, but baseless cheat accusations are discouraged.

    Some of the people that harass me on the forums here were upset about that policy, but it sucks to make some good and/or lucky shots and have someone call you a cheater.

    Unless someone has a valid demo of a cheater, I'm inclined to think most cheat accusations come from players that can't deal with losing.
  • man cheating is more rampant in CSS its crazy! even then they have the same requirements on some servers. get a demo of the cheat post it and admins will handle it. its the way it should be IMO...

    i tried to find out what a "botter" is but all i was told is that it amount to cheating. i was like ok dude, you havent been playing this game very long have you.. honastly though, if any admin of Goon Heaven can spec me all they want. they will see i miss damn near 80% of my sniper shots... i never use to be that bad but car wrecks messing up the back and wrist messes you up alot. not only that but my reaction time is a lot slower then it use to be back in the day when T2 first came out. SL is my fav weapon after laser...

    just wondering, how many admins are there for Goon Heaven?
  • "Botter" is a reference to an aim-bot (auto-aim).

    GH has maybe 6 - 12 admins or so. Some more active than others.
  • edited March 2010
    if t2 had a decent aimbot you might say that cheating is an issue, but since a decent one does not exist dont lose sleep over it

    sure theres the aimbot in hm2 and the stand alone aimbot, but they suck

    also the fact theres only two actual single shot kill weapons, lance and mortar, that limits the usefullness of an aimbot, and both weapons must be perfectly employed to do that one shot kill, something an aimbot wont do

    Now if lasers pulled off one shot headshot kills there might be some impetus to develope a working aimbot but lacking that you really have little to fear

    also, in mods like base and classic and other slow mods, cheats such as hm2 perma iffs and nofog, as well as autopoints (i dont consider autopoints a cheat) do very little to effect overall gameplay, in fast mods like ultra, cheats like permaiffs ruin the game pretty much because of the increased range and damage per weapon, they can see you before you leave a building for example, and with the greater range and power of each weapon in ultra, can keep you spawning over and over

    as to nofog, ffs! this is 2010, we have huge vid cards! no one runs a voodoo2 or tnt anymore, we can stand 800meter fog distance! I think getting rid of the 2001 fog settings on each map would make for a much better game

    im far more concerned about things like server lag scripts than an autoaim or perma iffs/nofog
  • Fog isn't just a graphical setting due to engine limitation, it's a gameplay element on most of the maps.

    Granted, most people who use HM2 are terrible, and GH is not TWL competition, but to say Perma IFFs isn't a huge deal in CTF because you die less fast than in some scrublord mod is a pretty terrible fallacy.
  • Let's ban everyone with purple sensors on TWL.
  • how is permaiffs such a game waster in classic?
  • Awareness is a giant aspect of being a good player in pretty much every mod of Tribes 2. Perma-IFFs basically gives you infinite awareness. You still have to have the competence to know what to do with all that information, but for any remotely experienced player, it's a gigantic boost in their capabilities.

    Granted, in an outdoor Classic CTF map, the "knowing what to do with the information" and actually doing it are both way harder than in any other mod, but still, the awareness is a huge step that perma-IFFs make for you.
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