Heya Howdy High! Been kinda slow at work... managed to get a few games around lunchtime (California) the last week or so. Been having an awesome fun time running a non-scripted configuration. Reminds me of when T2 was just released.
Today I popped into Goonsville while one of my favorite maps was running, Rollercoaster. A map that our team from Tribes days gone by, practiced endlessly. First spawn at the vehicle station right next to an Portable Inventory station, suited up, grabbed a Shrike, made the backway to the enemy flag. Hadn't flown a shrike in quite the while, matter of fact, can only play this game online at work... Figured I try grab, totally expecting to botch it up completely or get totally enialated tring.
Ejected from the craft, skipped down into the chaotic enemy flag zone, snagged the flag, skipped out and into the waiting shrike on the other side of the structure, flew back home and planted the flag.
:!: I couldn't believe what I just did... :!:
Hadn't done that maneuver for a few years. ...took many attempts to perfect. Managed to pull it off on a whim in a populated public server. Made me laff.
Thanks TribesNext and GoonHaven dudes.
Today I popped into Goonsville while one of my favorite maps was running, Rollercoaster. A map that our team from Tribes days gone by, practiced endlessly. First spawn at the vehicle station right next to an Portable Inventory station, suited up, grabbed a Shrike, made the backway to the enemy flag. Hadn't flown a shrike in quite the while, matter of fact, can only play this game online at work... Figured I try grab, totally expecting to botch it up completely or get totally enialated tring.

:!: I couldn't believe what I just did... :!:
Hadn't done that maneuver for a few years. ...took many attempts to perfect. Managed to pull it off on a whim in a populated public server. Made me laff.

Thanks TribesNext and GoonHaven dudes.
Ok, so you can cap with a vehicle. Can you do it without? Can you do it without disking yourself to 400kph down a mountain on the far side of the enemy flag from yours? Zen comes from fighting your way in and fighting your way out with their goods.
Your comment on his happy moment was uncalled for. The attitude that you have toward his post is exactly why I want this game to die completely and as soon as possible. Along with Red Shifter, Teratos, and others in the same trash bin, you have kept new people from enjoying the game and old players from returning. You people don't deserve a game, let alone a great game like T2 that you've run into the ground.
No reply needed, nor is your horribly negative presence.
You need to do some fact checking. I've done more for this community than you and so has Red Shifter. What exactly have you contributed? Anything?
I've helped countless people, I host files, I've admin-ed various servers.
Disliking a few people that are actively harming T2 doesn't make me a negative person. You need to step back and think things over again.
just because you think someone is implying something doesnt make it true
Why is it that a majority of the threads in this forum degrade into flame session?
Btw Roach, You ever gonna finish that bomber skin?
This all started with Blakhart, someone I don't know, who doesn't hang around #lastgasp, who is probably a base player if I had to guess. Someone I know who used to be in a tribe with him basically confirmed it. He comes off slightly as an asshole, but people like Vegeta had to go off on a tirade and assign blame to random people, starting off this whole retarded flamefest.
Meanwhile, most of the real elite players try to help people out and encourage new players to do useful things. Getting a cap is always something to encourage, though I'd like to see it done without a shrike eventually. I'm kinda sorry that a thread like this had to be turned to shit by people who don't even play anymore.
na im really an ultra player at heart but do not mind a classic game because its fun
as to being guilty of assholery, let everyone make up their own mind with no trouble from me
Didn't say you were flaming me, and I answered yer question. However, your initial comments/questions came off as sortta like, "Yeah, so what. That ain't nothin unless ya can do it this or that way..." Kinda came off to me as a taunt.
Thanks for the backup ther Red. Although I'm not taking sides in the name flamming part of this disscussion as is not the original intent of the thread. Yeah, it's a bummer to have people stomp all over a thread 'cuz they have their panties in a wad.
So, here's a feable attempt to get this back on topic... Was sorting through my old computer the other day looking for all my T2 files and such. Will post up when it's completed.