How do you get in the flow?
Sometimes when I jump on a server, i suit up and just go after the flag. Many times that I do that, I get owned consecutively in a very embarrasing manor. So my new strategy to find my 'Center' if you will is.. well i warm up with a couple laps! I grab my gear and just start skiing around the map (avoiding confrontation) smoothly transitioning from peak to peak. Then I play a few rounds of light defense, then and only when I feel my mojo is at peak levels, i make grabs!
Anyone else 'Warm-Up' if so, how?
Anyone else 'Warm-Up' if so, how?
Usually, you use those first few runs to "assess" the enemy. I usually cloak, so I go to see if they're smart enough to put up motion sensors, use sensor jammers, farm a lot of turrets so if I get caught, will I be ripped to shreds immediately?
If you really need to get warmed up, try to intercept people in the middle of the map. Usually, there will be snipers you can pick fights with and warm up with.
Listen to Eye of the Tiger!!!
For those too lazy:
Nowadays? I don't even bother having a ritual. I go in, wreck anything I can see, and burn out just as quickly.
As the old saying goes, "the field is king." There is just no substitute for experience, which you only get from pubs, scrims, and games. After game, identify what you did well and what you did poorly on and why. Adapt your tactics, goals, and strategies from that, and you'll be on your way.
If you are serious about prepping yourself, forget about music; complete silence helps me focus on the tasks at hand (mutefags.cs will change your life). Music might bring out passion, but that is no substitute for knowledge & focus.
p.s. Dry response but powerful.