Hello. I have some questions = )
I see, Tribes 2 community is not very big now..
But. Is here are any clans? Event (like clan wars maybe)?
Several mounth i play on goon heaven. Almost every time there ctf.
It's interesting.. but better wold be to play with teams\clans.. not for "frags".. for victory..
What do you think? Is it possible to make any event for 2 or more good teams?= )
Or i'm came too late ?.. = ))

I see, Tribes 2 community is not very big now..
But. Is here are any clans? Event (like clan wars maybe)?
Several mounth i play on goon heaven. Almost every time there ctf.
It's interesting.. but better wold be to play with teams\clans.. not for "frags".. for victory..
What do you think? Is it possible to make any event for 2 or more good teams?= )
Or i'm came too late ?.. = ))
If you explain you are from Russia and looking for a team, someone might pick you up: http://www.teamwarfare.com/forums/forumdisplay.asp?ForumID=4
You can also talk to the competition players/teams on irc.tribalwar.com #lastgasp
robertom2000 was King Newb for awhile, but he's learned the game.