Supplied Shortcuts

Tribes 2 tells me something about running the game with "Supplied Shortcuts". I don't understand though. I want to see if anyone can help me.


  • "Supplied Shortcuts" means the installer makes shortcuts that call the game with a certain set of arguments to it.

    You can find two of them (Tribes 2 Online, Tribes 2 Solo & LAN) in "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2" if you just clicked Next > Next > next in the installer. Some mods include Shortcuts to make it easier to launch them, too.
  • That happens if you run the executable without any parameters. You can do this by creating a shortcut to the T2 executable and then modifying the shortcut's "target" property to say something like:

    "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\Tribes2.exe" -online -mod Classic
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