Authentication Server - Is it offline?

Made several attempts to create/restore account but unable to reach authentication server. Is it offline? If so, when might it be up again? I have no firewall blocking connection. Recently reinstalled game as original base files were damaged or corrupt. :)


  • Made several attempts to create/restore account but unable to reach authentication server. Is it offline? If so, when might it be up again? I have no firewall blocking connection. Recently reinstalled game as original base files were damaged or corrupt. :)
    Quite a few people seem to be having issues connecting at the moment. Awaiting word on what may be causing these issues.
  • Server isn't on a stable IP address right now, so I periodically need to adjust the DNS records for the account and browser systems. There may be occasional lapses in connectivity until the box gets moved into the final data center. I've made some changes to allow more quickly updating DNS (switched record time to live to 5 minutes instead of 2 hours), but someone will still need to poke me on IRC if I haven't noticed an IP change.
  • Today I'm getting Authentication server issue. Seems to be offline.

    I will now attempt to find this IRC channel and poke you. :)
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