If the system became offline and you can't create accounts or retrive use these

edited February 2017 in Support
[A message is removed for a reason]


  • That's a good idea, whenever the account creation system is down and someone has problems, you should reply with those links.
  • Hey TN, I finally received a reply back from T2 admin. He informed me you already created a new account, so I suspect everything is ok for you now? I retrieved main account because the server is back up and working.

    You should drop into a game at Snap Crackle Pub, we never see you there.
  • edited March 2017
    Hi TRIBESNEXT community I am sorry because I deleted the links , I had a problem , here are the links again.
    /TRIBESNEXT| , This account is new
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6ajM5QUVFdWctNEU/view?usp=sharing public.store /TRIBESNEXT| account.store
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6U0pfUzBUeDdlSDA/view?usp=sharing private.store /TRIBESNEXT| account.store
    Download these files and put them in Tribes2 gamedata modify the names , name public.store /TRIBESNEXT| account.store public.store and name private.store /TRIBESNEXT| account.store private.store , you must modify the names , if you don't modify the names the files won't work.
    The account name is /TRIBESNEXT|
    The password is 123456


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6b2JhTHZvcWpSTUU/view?usp=sharing public.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/ account.store
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6bjN0MGU1T3hjcXM/view?usp=sharing private.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/ account.store
    Download these files and put them in Tribes2 gamedata and modify the names , name public.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/ account.store public.store and name private.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/ account.store private.store , you must modify the names , if you don't modify the names the files won't work.
    The account name is TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/
    The password is 123456


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6Y01peVFDUWd2eFE/view?usp=sharing pubic.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY account.store
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6U085WnBhb1ZzSFE/view?usp=sharing private.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY account.store
    Download these files and put them in Tribes2 gamedata and modify the names , name public.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY account.store public.store and name private.store TRIBESNEXT/ARMY account.store private.store , you must modify the names , if you don't modify the names the files won't work.
    The account name is TRIBESNEXT/ARMY
    The password is 123456


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6aVBmZmhIejlSUlU/view?usp=sharing public.store XZXZ account.store
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_t1p4IANYU6X0I2aVRrd3VxSGs/view?usp=sharing private.store XZXZ account.store
    Download these files and put them in Tribes2 gamedata and modify the names , name public.store XZXZ account.store public.store and name private.store XZXZ account.store private.store , you must modify the names , if you don't modify the names the files won't work.
    The account name is XZXZ
    The password is 123456


    Don't download all the files and put them in Tribes2 gamedata , use one account of these accounts , /TRIBESNEXT| , TRIBESNEXT/ARMY/ , TRIBESNEXT/ARMY , XZXZ , If one of the accounts got banned use another account.
    If the links don't work please contact me and I will fix them.
    We can all use these accounts at the same time , but we can't use these accounts in Snap crackle pub server at the same time that is why I made four accounts.

    If the the account creation is online you will be able to create or retrieve accounts , you can know the account creation is online or offline from this website http://turkeh.net/. By the way you can make one account every 24 hours.

    Thank you TRIBESNEXT community.
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