External address has not been set or is set incorrectly

edited January 1 in Support

Hi, I'm trying to run the game through Crossover on a 2018 Macbook Pro and I'm receiving this error message every time I try to join a server. I was able to host one fine, but everything I've joined gives me this error. I saw someone had this issue a while back but the solution to their issue (removing malware) isn't working for me, Malwarebytes came up with nothing. Any help would be great!


  • edited January 1

    Malware being the cause of this is incredibly unlikely in any case, and effectively impossible in yours (running through CrossOver/Wine) − most commonly the cause of this would be some service on your system or your network blocking or manipulating tcp/http traffic, but if it were being blocked you'd also expect to see the server list fail to load and things like account creation fail to connect.

    The specific variable being checked here is $IPv4::InetAddress, and it's a very simple check to see if it is set and has at least one period. If you open your console (hit your ~ key) and enter echo($IPv4::InetAddress); it'll show what it's currently set to; I'd expect this to be blank in most cases, but if it's some other series of characters, or an ipv6 address, it can indicate different issues with how your network is behaving.

    If an ipv6 address being set there, for example, what could be happening is that the dns/connection layer or possibly some traffic interception mechanism is giving preference to connecting to the service over v6... which ideally would be something a change in system configuration could avoid. Admittedly a small part of that problem is the in-game external address lookup is by default pointed to www.tribesnext.com/whatismyip, under a domain I've set up to provide ipv6 support for broadest support, but the v6 support isn't generally expected to be used by the game.

    What you should be able to do is get the ipv4 address reported here (which does not point to an ipv6 dns record) or any other ipv4 whatismyip, open your console (~), and set it to the lookup variable with e.g. $IPv4::InetAddress = "";

    This variable can be set in an autoloading script file if your address is relatively static, or it's possible to alter t2csri/ipv4.cs to point to a different external address lookup.

  • Setting the IP manually did the trick, I'm able to join servers again! Thank you for your help!

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