First post - Glad to be here :)

Hello all !!! :)

I just returned to Tribes after playing many years ago. I love playing on Vanilla &

the Blair Lag Project..... Saying hello to SAMI-Fin :)

Many thanks to everyone involved for putting Tribes 2 Next together :)


  • Hey Jeb! Just played with you in Blair Tonight! I play with 4 - 7 guys. Join us sometime!

  • Kill3R, glad to meet you :) I saw someone last night saying hi hi hi lol

    on that wolf howling map, but I couldn't respond since I was watching

    the flag with my trusty plasma hogleg..... I get more free kills just watching

    the flag & zapping the bots right before they hit the flag.... I also like Elfing

    the fast runners & watching them just stand there paralyzed hahaha....

    I'm slowly relearning the keyboard combos to the animations etc etc..... I don't

    get much playing time so my learning curve will be lengthy.

    I played a ton of T1 decades ago, mostly on the computer shop & net direct server.

    It was a server-side slight weapons tweak that was very fun.

    I can't remember how to address individuals privately in-game....... I also need to play around

    with minimizing the bot chatter.

    Weekends late night USA Central Time is best for me........

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