Noob Alert, how do i install modz?

Right.. I've been through the forums and i can't find it on the tinterweb either.

How do i install all these wonderfull modz? it's been so long since i last played T2,, i've forgotten most of every thing i never knew anyway. for expample the havoc mod, i can't find an install.exe and if i just drop it into a game file,, is it the base file or game data???? my head's going to assplode :(.

Any help for the poor noobler would be gr8 thank you


  • Drop the mod folder in the gamedata folder and run the supplied shortcuts. If it doesn't have shortcuts, make a new shortcut to tribes2.exe and change it to...

    "C:\PathtoTribes\tribes2.exe" -online -mod foldername
  • The Lord Eolk has spoken,,, ALL HAIL EOLK... i said hail him dam you.. right.. thats it.. plasmery burny death for you.. come here.. no it's to late now.. you should of hail'd when i told you to..


    click.. fffzzz

    What the?

    * looks down the barrel and pulls trig.......*
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