Let's get to know one another:
Let's face it, regardless of our opinions on the game, it's just a game. Tribes 2 needs a strong community working together if we want this game to succeed. Let's get to know a bit about who all of us really are.

My name is Joshua. I'm a twenty-six year old with one son (Hero, he just turned three). I work as a pharmacy technician at MCV hospital, primarily in the outpatient pharmacies.
I'm a white liberal unmarried atheist with a child who's mother is black, so anyone south of the Mason Dixon line will hate me
. I'm fairly nerdy in general, so I enjoy reading, science, math, and I hate sports.
Excuse the poor picture, it's the most recent one I have. If I get a webcam, maybe I'll update it.

My name is Joshua. I'm a twenty-six year old with one son (Hero, he just turned three). I work as a pharmacy technician at MCV hospital, primarily in the outpatient pharmacies.
I'm a white liberal unmarried atheist with a child who's mother is black, so anyone south of the Mason Dixon line will hate me

Excuse the poor picture, it's the most recent one I have. If I get a webcam, maybe I'll update it.
Name's Nathan (Friends call me either Nate or Na ("neigh") and I was born in 1985. nate + 1985 = na85.
I'm from London, Canada and am currently studying Mechanical Engineering.
Here's me on a camping trip with some friends, being really excited to be playing drunken dodgeball during the wee hours of the morning.
I got T2 shortly after it came out but never really got into the league scene. Maybe if a ladder gets going I'll sign up and see what it's like.
Yeah, so what to say about me?
I am a U of MN alumni who is also a Nationally recognized EMT-B. I make more money delivering pizzas than as an EMT. I want to go back to school to get certified as an RN.
I love Love LOVE MMA (Mixed Martial Arts... yes UFC). I hover around the Sherdog.com forums often as well. I have met TJ DeSantis (who is from MN), Sean Sherk, Megumi Fujii, Gina Carano, Shayna Baszler, Jens Pulver, Bob Sapp and, of course...
Josh Barnett!
I am such a little kid with Fighters. I could see any Hollywood star and think "neat," but if I see a fighter I get all starstruck because I really respect MMA.
I also Kickbox over at my old highschool. I teach the kids discipline and respect for one another and I get to run them ragged, lol.
I live in MN; Minneapolis to be exact. I am currently doing some remodeling on my attic, so I blame Tribes for my lack of progress as of late (thanks a lot guys).
Other games I enjoy are Civilization 4, Half-life series, Left 4 Dead, splinter cell series, Hearts and Freecell. Deus Ex, Grim Fandango, Starcraft and of course, Anarchy Online are probably my most nostalgic and loved games I have ever played.
I don't know music theory at all, but I love instruments. I have a plot to purchase a mess of instruments when I finish school. I want to buy a Saxophone, Guqin, Various wooden flutes, a Sitaar, and a Violin. I play (not the best term, really) the piano and Acoustic Guitar.
I listen to Groove Salad on SomaFM.com almost exclusively... If not I am listening to Rob Dougan or some Soundtrack Score of some sort.
That's all I can think of for now.
I'm 36, am a consultant and have been playing Tribes since Starsiege: Tribes came out (read about in NextGen Magazine, remember that?). Back then I played under the name of "Terrapin" and was briefly in Mature Asskickers [MA] clan. I played a LOT of Insomniax Mod (love that IX9000).
I also play a lot of Civ 3 (but not 4), and my only other gaming claim to fame was that I was perma-banned from the old Gaming-Age forums.
I hear ya. Last ems outfit I worked at started emts at 6.50 hour, no benefits. Medics, on the other hand, started at 50k year, full benefits.
pic of me last year. and yes its true, I can walk on water, so that justifies my hax in game :]
okay now an actual tiny description:
I live in Canada (but this pic was taken in Pennsylvania) and am 17 years old... turning 18 this year :]. I got Tribes 2 for Christmas in 2001 when I was 11... and I like to believe that moment triggered an epiphany... which allowed me to make ease of complex mathematical calculations and made me excel through school
Let's see here... I play hockey (Canada lol), music (piano, guitar, sax... play keys for a rock band in my city and am the star improviser at my school
I've got a math exam in about 2 hours which I haven't studied for yet, but it isn't hard when you've assimilated the complex angles from a previous night's game of T2
Name's David. Nickname is really Beaz. 25 for another month and a half. I'm a NOC Engineer for a "Managed Service Provider" (think "Outsourced I.T.").
IT by day and gaming by night, unless I have to go out and be social. I'm pretty much a game-a-holic, own all the major systems and of course a PC. I go through games like candy, but Tribes has always had a special place in my heart so here we are. I've also played or own most of the games in this thread, so I hope to see some of you guys in more of them!
I run Goon Haven (bet you wouldn't have guessed!!!!) on my own hardware.
PowerEdge 2650
Dual Xeons @ 3 Ghz
ESX 3i with several virtual servers
Hosted in my own company's colo facility (with permission of course
I play a lot of T2. Seriously a lot of T2.
I've recently reached level 21 and am enjoying the lvl21 powers I have acquired.
I live in Ann Arbor MI currently.
I drink a lot of beer and jager, I also enjoy smoke.
I am a HUGE metal head. Primarily technical death, if you listen to brutal metal we will become instant friends.
My favorite pizza toppings are pineapple and bacon.
My favorite weapon is the shocklance.
I live in Virginia and am working on transferring out to James Madison University, dabble in some more general education stuff, and then hopefully transfer out to the University of Virginia where I eventually hope to graduate and become a lawyer.
In my spare time, I enjoy acting black:
And nerdy:
And now I invite you on a tour into my humble home. Below you'll find a picture of my living room. My mother picked out very expensive things to go into this room, and by the time we were done spending, all we could afford was a 15" television from Walmart:
Here you'll find a picture of my lovely bed. This is where I sleep, and sometimes it's where the magic happens. It really all depends on how much money I have, and whether or not I can afford to buy the magic.
And finally, here's a picture of my beloved desk, where I spend most of my time being a studious student, or a disruptive tribes player. If the magic isn't happening on the bed, it's certainly happening here (I have an eharmony.com account).
Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my life!! BYE!
Fuck me. Right now, fuck me.
real name is Garrett. 22 years old, student currently studying English with an emphasis on writing, and psychology. My hobbies are writing, photography (love my D80), music, coffee, and *gasp* computers.
srry bro, had to!
I dunno, first thing I thought of when I saw his picture was Eminem.
If we're including what other games we play besides Tribes, I'm big into the Doom series (3 being my favorite, seriously), and absolutely love the Myst series.
hahahaha..... awesome
My name is Joshua Hollis.
The first thing everyone notices about me is that I am 6'9", and 280lbs. It gets annoying when people ask if I play pro sports, for example basketball, football, I've even had a few people ask if I were a pro wrestler lol!
I am the CTO of a musical instrument retail corporation known as Spotts Music Center. I spend my mornings at the Spotts head quarters managing our network infrastructure, and coding the Spotts Music website. In the afternoons I teach guitar for our Punxsutawney PA location. I have been playing guitar for a VERY long time, since my early teens, and have competed in national competitions and enjoy writing original music and playing gigs when I can.
Here is my home computer, the monitor is MUCH better than the actual machine. I plan on upgrading to an core 2 quad or i7 eventually.
In my spare time I enjoy writing some code of my own, really into Ajax at the moment, with asp.net(the c# variety) on the server side. There are some really sweet things you can do with this combo.
Oh well, that's enough about me. I'll see you all in-game.
yes that is wiimote in the background on my monitor, he's so damn sexy.
Here's me on the left paired with the craziest south-side Chicago asshole to ever walk the plains. Guy drank dayquil, nyquil and a bottle of windex after a 12 pack to himself. Then threw his bike out a 4 story window. - oh yeah, those are cig burns on his hand too. Such a beast. Loved that guy.
Old picture for sure. I was probably 19 or 20 in this, but I don't do the whole myspace thing so I'm not too loaded with photos.
I'm not goth, emo, indie, and the glasses aren't cosplay for harry potter they're just from 1998. That aside I really do go around all day looking like General Hein about 3 weeks after he died and grew a beard.
I'm a pre-law student at VCC gaming the system to get all my gen-ed credits done at a community college where it's actually affordable for state residents. Stuffy proffession choice aside I've been told that I'm out of my mind, not in the whitewolf or "oh my god is that your organs!?" way but more the "why do you have a titanium spork and did you really just trick our networking teacher into trying to order IR cables?" kind of crazy.
Other than gaming I'll either be growing things, cooking and baking things, or trying desperately to get a job.
The super-collar there makes you look like you could pull off a Dracula look :P
I'm on the left.
a bit about me:
My name: Trowa Barten.
I play Tribes 2, Doom, Myst, Black & White (1 and 2),Thief the dark project,Thief the metal age,and Thief 3, I TRIED Halo, but it feels like a ripoff of T2.
My occupation: A job
Where I live: Leeds (UK), New York (USA), and Moscow.
Now you know who the idiot is.
You remind me of one of the random refugees of HL2...
That's actually my jacket, which like everything else is super baggy on me because I'm 5'8"ish and apparently incapable of weighing more than 120 pounds while wearing that AND my other jacket (scottevest that i basically permanently ditched the sleeves on).
If I could ever get stuff that was long enough to fit me but not amazingly baggy I'd probably look a lot more like this dude without the girl hair:
I dont play games too much, mostly COD4. I like soccer, the Philadelphia FLyers, Eagles and Phillies. I'm a die hard PSU football fan also.
Damn dude more pics of the house!!!! I need some suggestions!!! My girlfriend wants a log house and so do I. Now i noticed that it looks like you have wood paneling for siding but still Gimme some pointers bro!! nice location too surrounded by woods! love it!!