Installing Reticles

First off I want to say thank you to the Tribes Next team. My buddy and I have been playing non-stop and having a lot of fun. I haven't played in over 4 years and its great to get back into the swing of things. I am however new to scripting / mods / guis / etc. Could someone please help me understand how to install reticles or reticle packs? Im having a lot of trouble trying to figure out why these are not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.


  • Must things will come in an archive. The archives are .zip format but are named .vl2

    Just drop them in your GameData/base folder (or if you only want them to be available when you start under different mods, put them in that mod's folder).
  • Teratos,
    Thanks for the quick response. For all other types of scripts, I have gotten them to work just find by placing them within the GameData/base folder as .vl2 files. However, I only have trouble with reticles any reason why this might be?

    Player Skins, Weapon Skins, HUD Scripts, Warning Scripts, etc all work fine, just can't reticles to work. I am trying to get the blue set of reticles from this site to work, anyone have success with this particular scripts?

    thanks again and appreciate your time.
  • For texture replacements, including reticles, I found the *.vl2 files didn't really cooperate all the time either. Extracting them to their path structure directly in ~/GameData/base fixed all the texture issues for me.
  • To find the proper file structure for any type of add-in, you can look in the default .vl2 files (textures, missions, scripts, sounds, etc) and just copy that structure yourself.
  • Tribes 2 also loads VL2 files in alphabetical order, so files in archives at the end alphabetically will override those that are further to the beginning.
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