Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't know his url. Can somebody please point me in the right direction and a name of the script for the hud mover please.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't know his url. Can somebody please point me in the right direction and a name of the script for the hud mover please.
Here's Uberguy's hudmanager, which does the exact same thing, and I'd recommend it over PJ's.
I've noticed that with PJ's it doesn't always save the hud locations. Exit Tribes 2, come back and some are moved around. Try to load the locations and nothing. Same with Uberguys, it won't save some of PJ's huds locations.
LabRat's is definitely the way to go. If the keybind is a problem you can change it inside the script, or someone could just script it so that it isn't hard-coded.
Aye.. I'm lookin to resize the fonts and Hud images to be a bit more eye-friendly for 1920x1080... And Hudmanager doesn't work all that well for some of the spots.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't know his url. Can somebody please point me in the right direction and a name of the script for the hud mover please.
Here's Uberguy's hudmanager, which does the exact same thing, and I'd recommend it over PJ's.
Going to try LabRat's and see how it goes.
Thanks all for posting those links!
LabRat's HudMover is by far the best, even though the key to activate it is hardcoded.
Note that I'm using his chat scripts and such so I really don't have a choice here.