Good places to advertise the new tribes2?
Guys, lets brainstorm ways we can expand the community.
What are sites, forums, chatrooms, whatever, that we can advertise T2 on so we can get more people to join? Selling points are that it is free, it is fun and that it will work on practically any computer since it is a few years old.
Any ideas?
What are sites, forums, chatrooms, whatever, that we can advertise T2 on so we can get more people to join? Selling points are that it is free, it is fun and that it will work on practically any computer since it is a few years old.
Any ideas?
ROFLMAO... why not!!!
I also recommend the major gamer comic forums and possibly even sending a letter to the Penny Arcade duo. I remember very specifically one game called Puzzle Pirates (don't laugh) that had its user base explode after recieving a mention in PA's articles.
Anyway, alot of people know about TribesNext. They just don't know what Tribes 2 is. When TN got all the attention from mainstream gaming sites, a bunch of people probably came here, hearing that some old game got revived. But no screenshots, no videos. So they leave as quickly as they came.
Attaching a good gameplay video on the TN main page will attract alot more players.
and a gameplay vid also.
Just getting mentioned doesn't do much. The conversion ratio of people who come to the site and actually register an account is hopelessly low, for obvious reasons, and will remain that way until changes are made.
Someone needs to make a BASE server called ROOKIES AND NEWBLOODS and keep it bot-free. I say base because its much slower than Classic and thus much easier to learn. Presently new players go to Goons, get slaughtered, and quit. I'm quite sure this is the problem.
2. No New Players Forum
We need a forum so new players and returning veterans can say hello and ask their inane and silly questions without our General Discussion chatter and feuding.
3. No Recruiting and Retaining Team
We need players specifically focusing on getting and keeping new players interested in the game. I suggest the creation of a tribe for new players with the reactivation of the old browser functions so returning players know who else is new and who to ask for help.
Correct these three problems and we should have improvements in our recruiting and retention rates. PLEASE stay in communication with anyone you recruit, keep their feedback returning to the forums and keep them returning to play Tribes.
Its is still there and yes it is newblood friendly with no team damage and I have sen a couple other base servers but most are always empty.We usually get a few people on every night but its not steady at the time.I have even tried to help new players out by teaching them some basics of capping and farming and other basics which I dont mind and a I think is a good thing.
Some people new to the game might actually enjoy learning to do such things.As we all know this game has a high learning curve.Instead of calling these peoples newbs and retards like I have seen some do why dont some of are good players teach the others that want to learn.The choice is ares really we can grow by helping and bringing in new people or we can stay small and hang on to what we still have left.
So...make a post on whatever other community/clan sites you're a regular at and get your forum buddies to play!
Nice to have you.
Some guys said that this could be used as a trailer
If theres interest from above I can make it more trailer like with some text, the TN logo, and some more music