Massive lag spike / Computer Freeze
Got the beta, installed, la de da da da
After the wiggle your mouse in the box thing, I got a MASSIVE lagspike, that wasted all 5 minutes of my patience before I restarted manually.
happened again.
Closed all programs/applications before I tried...and it happened again...
This time I waited 15 minutes. No change.
After the wiggle your mouse in the box thing, I got a MASSIVE lagspike, that wasted all 5 minutes of my patience before I restarted manually.
happened again.
Closed all programs/applications before I tried...and it happened again...
This time I waited 15 minutes. No change.
What kind of key were you trying to generate? 512-bit? 768-bit? 1024-bit?
RSA key generation takes a while.
Not before I hit the keygen.
Kay, it goes like 3...2....1.. And changes to step two? Yea, it freezes THERE.
Redownloading atm.
After mouse movement/10 second timer... the interface lags.
I'm also getting this issue. Here's what happens:
1. get to the key generation screen, where it asks you to move the mouse for 10 seconds,
2. wiggle the mouse inside the box, which generates a few white dots sometimes
3. when the countdown finishes, the whole thing drops to less than one frame a second,
4. manage to get the mouse cursor to the "generate key" button, and click on it, which completely freezes mouse input.
I've tried letting it run for 5-10 minutes and nothing really happens, so I check the task manager and tribes2.exe is pegged at 50% cpu, and rubyintersect.dll is pegged at 50% cpu. At this point I kill them and find this forum. I'm running an 8-year-old computer with a 1 GHz Athlon processor, and an ATI Rage 128 (32mb) AGP graphics card. It's running the key generation in the default RSA-512 mode.
If not, we may be able to find a workaround later.
After 5 mins... alt-tabbed out - killed the ruby~.dll process, returned back to the interface. And saw the 'key generated' message. :-\
Then some other issue crops up on submiting the rest of step 3, which is ain't the subject of this thread.
That 1 Ghz Athlon is pretty old school though. 11 minutes is pretty impressive.