uber scripts for teh l337

lol wow its been like 3 years since I've touched tribes, but I totally miss it and the fact that it invented words like uber and l337 (leet) make it a patriarch to all games. but besides all that and the fact that i cried when I first installed & played tribes next I need to remember what scripts that I had as well as all my configurations so if any of you guys could hit me up with some recommendations they would be appreciated!

also just wanted to say hey to all you t2 players out there chances are that I've been in a clan with you ;)
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  • ProPack has every script I ever needed.... and about 60 % of all the scripts I wrote :D

  • thx dude ill try it out...also i just got a 7811fx and im running in 1920 by 1200 is that recommended or should i try a lower rez? also i get this weird lag its like the other player is lagging when ever i try and snipe at somewhat long distance
  • Wouldn't go that high on res cause there is gunna be wayyy tooo much stuff on the screen. Propack is designed I think to go up to 1158 or whatever it was so if anything the huds might be slightly off.

    don't forget to bind the propack key and ingame the menu is there with all the options. I think most where preset but mine is so crazy customized I can't remember :( I think the default one was Neofights because his was more normal :)

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