Team Rabbit 2 Files
In case any of you didn't know, maxOGC said it would kindly make a 24/7 TR2 server.. that would be epic..
Read this article if you don't know much about TR2.. it's the most epic mod ever made.. Sierra hired coders to MAKE this mod into a "sport" mod"
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew where to find the TR2 Server files..? I was under the impression they were already on the client, seeing as when I click host game it gives me the option to host a TR2 server..
I've tried searching, but to no avail,
In case any of you didn't know, maxOGC said it would kindly make a 24/7 TR2 server.. that would be epic..
Read this article if you don't know much about TR2.. it's the most epic mod ever made.. Sierra hired coders to MAKE this mod into a "sport" mod"
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew where to find the TR2 Server files..? I was under the impression they were already on the client, seeing as when I click host game it gives me the option to host a TR2 server..
I've tried searching, but to no avail,
Now post me some links to some good TR2 maps so I can load them up on the server.
The standard stock maps that were made are good for now I'd say.. until we get more regulars on
Ill always try and be on it filling it up,
me and nautique played the other day and had a blast.. but we need more players again.
Anyway you can only make it TR2?
I can't enter the server b/c I don't have the map or something
ill just hop on the server everytime im on so always check
This is why we need pickups instead of just floatin' it. What, it was probably about 5-15 seconds between me joining and you leaving and that made all the difference in the world. Let's just decide on a time to play that works for everyone interested in playing.
edit: to be more clear, I joined the server with a buddy of mine as soon as I saw you were playing. By the time the game loaded you'd already bailed. We played for a bit and nobody else joined so we took off as well.
I usually get on during the evening time, and I'm starting to just alt-tab so if you guys refresh you can join.. I wish you guy's had steam ( it's valves thing to run games like cs , team fortress 2, but you can make it run Tribes 2 as well.. Where not figuring out times because the only communication we have is on this forum and I don't check it every hour. The thing is if you had steam we could just see when your online with steam chat, and set it up via chat always and it's easy.
If you guys already have steam, then add me to your friends list: neemajay
Let me know
Edit: Definitely if your a old TR2 player that wants to play get steam and add me to your friends list.
Today and tomorrow i'll be on
Later peeps
And what's up gardok~ welcome and thankyou for answering the call.
Maybe we can meet up on MaxOGC's ventrillo if you guys use a mic??
Does anybody know why these errors constantly show in the console? See attachment.
Anyway, the original version of TR2 is kinda broken to begin with. Luckily, countless people (including myself) have made a lot of fixes and changes to the gametype, and I'll post it here for you. The game defaults to "one-timer only" mode but I added in an "Old School Mode" admin option that should (mostly) allow you to play the original way.
There are way too many changes/features to describe in a single post, so luckily it has a readme file attached. As a server admin, one thing you'll want to do is edit the TR2Prefs.cs file that gets dropped to your prefs folder after running TR2 the first time. If you want the game to run "Old School Mode" all the time, set $TR2Prefs::OldSchoolAsDefault to 1.
1. Rename TR2final105-server.vl2 on your server so that it no longer has the vl2 extension (you'll want to keep a backup in case you don't like the version I'm giving you).
2. Drop the TR2Server_0419.vl2 file to your server.
3. Delete DSOs and restart server.
Is it the mod where you can vote to change so you can only score a goal by a 2 shot?
I really hope you can this this working and am looking forward to more team rabbit! I'm
more of a dabbler when it comes to scripting so I probly can't help you too much. I think we definitely need to set up a time at least once a week when we practice tho. Saturday might be a good day since most people might have that day off? We can get on teamspeak and coordinate better. I'll try to check in tonite around 8:00pm central time to see if anyone is on.
What I've observed is that there are different types of teamrabbit so it can be complex
to set up, which is why you want a dedicated server. On almost all server's I've been on where they have TR2 as a voting option (but it's usully ctf) the mod will be broken. You usually know right away because the spawnspheres are messed up. Instead of spawning in the spawn hut you will spawn in midair above the flag and plummet to the ground. This is probably the default spawn sphere.
The one timer only mode is a good thing though because if players can simply throw the flag into the goal it will go against the spirit of the mod i.e. it will take the team out of team rabbit. You'll see more people just soloing it and running to the goal to toss the flag in.
The other thing, which Nautique pointed out is the armor changing. This happens in the non tourney maps and I also find it to be annoying but not a huge deal. It might be something you can toggle or vote for in game like "player roles enabled/disabled" This option is part of the nontournament mode I think and the maps where this happens are the ones with the goal stands. They made a 3vs3 tourney map pack that has a lot of the same maps but without the goal stands.
My suggestion if we ever get this rolling would be for us to pick a team captain, probably
either jafari or Nautique. This person should be given admin rights to the server in order to turn on/off various options that a nonadmin might not have access too. ::)
excellent idea on the voting system for the armor disabling that tends to be pretty damn annoying.
And yeah me and nautique were talking about that ~ maybe everyone can just meet on ventrilo whenever their on (Max OGCs) ventrilo. That way we'd have better cordination and more fun I guess. Again, if you guy's have steam thats a good way to contact me.. my steam friends name to add is : neemajay
That would be legit if one of us could get admin hours but it all depends on threatcon, he has already been a huge help adding us a tr2 server!
Since you're a dabbler in scripts, I'll let you know this right now: TR2 doesn't use spawnspheres. It uses direct spawnpoints. The reason most CTF servers don't run TR2 is because they have it disabled. It increases load time by a great deal to add in TR2 when there are no plans to ever run it. You can instantly tell that TR2 is disabled when you start the map since it never executes the script that makes the game use direct spawnpoints. Server admins should also take the time to remove the TR2 maps from rotation, but some of them are pretty lazy...
As far as the rest of your post, this is how my version of TR2 works:
- Medium armor never ever comes into play. Instead, every player is given a shocklance. In addition to pushing enemies away, you can also use it to boost teammates without causing damage.
- I think Pro Mode gives you 15 beacons and 5 health kits (but you can only use 1 health kit while carrying the flag).
- Old School Mode uses the original scoring system that uses Creativity, FC-Hits, Jackpot, One-timer Bonus, Crazy Flags... all that crap.
- With Old School Mode disabled (default setting), it's really complex but the whole thing comes down to "You can only score points off of a goal", "Only one-timer shots can score", and "Increased l33tness = more points". This mode also removes the Goalie and the platform in front of the goal, among other things.
If you need details on what my updated TR2 does, you should definitely download it and look inside the VL2 for README.TXT.
Maybe this is why I keep getting those console errors.