function serverCmdControlObject(%client, %targetId)
// match started:
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "mission has not started.");
// powered:
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "object is not powered.");
// controlled already:
%control = %obj.getControllingClient();
if(%control == %client)
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "you are already controlling that object.");
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "someone is already controlling that object.");
// same team?
if(getTargetSensorGroup(%targetId) != %client.getSensorGroup())
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResonse', false, "cannot control enemy objects.");
// dead?
if(%client.player == 0)
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "dead people cannot control objects.");
//mounted in a vehicle?
if (%client.player.isMounted())
commandToClient(%client, 'ControlObjectResponse', false, "can't control objects while mounted in a vehicle.");
This is from the Classic scripts, which has the anti control missile that was added. Does ne one see someway that i can just add a simple variable to the turret, or does a script have to be made
Well my problem was that the map has turrets on opposite teams that are in range to kill each other. GasMask has this same problem, 2 AA turrets within range of eachother, and people at the begining control the turret and fire down the other one.
That is the problem, so the Code Red Shifter gave me works fine, I really dont have a problem having all the turrets non controlable, no one should be anyways.
But for future use, is thier way to put in a simple line, for a specfic turret? or no luck.
There might even by a variable you can change.
If there isn't, you should hit up some of the guys in #tribes and convince them to write one for you.
This is from the Classic scripts, which has the anti control missile that was added. Does ne one see someway that i can just add a simple variable to the turret, or does a script have to be made
Also, use code tags to post code, not quote tags.
is that
canCantrol "false"; ?
or canCantrol "0"; ?
And, I think he's looking for a catch-all
That is the problem, so the Code Red Shifter gave me works fine, I really dont have a problem having all the turrets non controlable, no one should be anyways.
But for future use, is thier way to put in a simple line, for a specfic turret? or no luck.