New Player cant get in

Hey hey, old school Tribes 1and 2 player here, please can anyone help me get game set up?? Thanks


  • It would help if you'd tell what is wrong first.
  • Ty for the reply , here is what is wrong, when i go to create my acount for game , it says the server is down, Im not so sure what to do, i dont know how to access the servers, I have the game installed, but thats it
  • Shouldn't this have been posted in the Support forum? Preferably after reading the FAQs and searching for threads that may have already answered your question?

    Besides, we still need more information. What server is down, the account server or is your master list empty?
  • When i go to creat account, it says athentification server is down, and so i cannot loggin in aty the TRIBESNEXT login screen, i have made an acount and recived and email saying it is good to go, but cannot seem to use my username or password at the login screen. As far as mster server list , i have not gotten that far
  • Moved to Support.

    You need to create an account in-game to play, the account here is simply for the forums.
    Could not connect to the Authentication Server FAQ entry...
  • TYTYTYTYTYTYT sooo stoked, love this game, im in and playing, gonna look for skins and stuff now, voice packs all that good stuff YOU ROCK
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