Texture Issue

Whenever I enter a server, my textures are all messed up. Like black squares appear all over the ground, and if i turn in certatin directions, my entire HUD gets blocky, like squares. If some1 can gimme a way for a in-game screenie, it would be appreciated.


  • heck, if you know a way to fix it, it would be better
  • edited December 2009
    and the block one is only when i turn in certain directions. and this bug happens in all servers ive gone into. i have also re-installed multiple times to fix
  • Without knowing your system specifications, specifically graphics capability, there's little we can do given two screenshots and some vague description.

    Cursory glance suggests your in-game graphics settings are set obscenely low; check those first.
  • Without knowing your system specifications, specifically graphics capability, there's little we can do given two screenshots and some vague description.

    Cursory glance suggests your in-game graphics settings are set obscenely low; check those first.

    I remember this problem. Something in my prefs caused it.
  • edited December 2009
    Start by deleting all dso files found in your various base folders, and then when you fire up the game, in your graphics settings in the game make sure you do not have "vertex lighting" enabled. Also, set all texture sliders full right.

    What hardware are we dealing with here? What is your vid card?

    Here's a clientprefs you can copy/paste/rename clientprefs.cs and try:
    $pref::AcceptedEULA = 1;
    $pref::AnimateWithTransitions = "True";
    $pref::Audio::activeDriver = "Miles";
    $pref::Audio::captureGainScale = "1";
    $pref::Audio::channels = 2;
    $pref::Audio::decodingMask = 1;
    $pref::Audio::drivers = "Miles";
    $pref::Audio::effectsVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::enableVoiceCapture = "0";
    $pref::Audio::encodingLevel = 0;
    $pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
    $pref::Audio::frequency = "44100";
    $pref::Audio::guiVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::masterVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::musicEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Audio::musicVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::provider = "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio";
    $pref::Audio::radioVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::sampleBits = "16";
    $pref::audio::speakerType = "2 Speakers";
    $pref::Audio::voiceChannels = 1;
    $pref::Audio::voiceVolume = "1";
    $pref::chatHudLength = 1;
    $pref::CloudsOn = "1";
    $pref::currentChatMenu = "defaultChatMenu";
    $pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "5000";
    $pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
    $pref::decalsOn = "0";
    $pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "2100";
    $pref::Email::Column0 = 30;
    $pref::Email::Column1 = 250;
    $pref::Email::Column2 = 250;
    $pref::Email::Column3 = 150;
    $pref::Email::ComposeWindowExtent = "500 408";
    $pref::Email::ComposeWindowPos = "74 32";
    $pref::Email::SortColumnKey = 3;
    $pref::Email::SortInc = 1;
    $pref::enableBadWordFilter = "0";
    $pref::environmentMaps = "1";
    $pref::FavCurrentList = "1";
    $pref::FavCurrentSelect = "10";
    $pref::FavNames0 = "SNIPER";
    $pref::FavNames1 = "REPAIR";
    $pref::FavNames10 = "SENSOR";
    $pref::FavNames11 = "ASSAULT DESTROYER";
    $pref::FavNames12 = "LANDSPIKE DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames13 = "INVENTORY DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames14 = "FORWARD ASSAULT";
    $pref::FavNames15 = "EARLY WARNING";
    $pref::FavNames16 = "DECOY";
    $pref::FavNames17 = "HEAVY LOVE";
    $pref::FavNames18 = "FLAG DEFENDER";
    $pref::FavNames19 = "INFILTRATOR";
    $pref::FavNames2 = "SENSOR";
    $pref::FavNames3 = "SPIKE";
    $pref::FavNames4 = "DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames5 = "CLAMP";
    $pref::FavNames6 = "TAILGUNNER";
    $pref::FavNames7 = "JUGGERNAUT OFFENSE";
    $pref::FavNames8 = "JUGGERNAUT DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames9 = "JUGGERNAUT DEFENSE";
    $pref::Favorite0 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tLaser Rifle\tpack\tEnergy Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite1 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tRepair Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite10 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tIX-2000 Rifle\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFF Buster\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tpack\tRepair Pack\tgrenade\tAir Brake\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite11 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tBlaster\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite12 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tpack\tLandspike Turret\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite13 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite14 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tELF Projector\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tEnergy Pack\tGrenade\tWhiteout Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite15 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tELF Projector\tpack\tPulse Sensor Pack\tGrenade\tConcussion Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite16 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tpack\tSensor Jammer Pack\tGrenade\tWhiteout Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite17 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tConcussion Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite18 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite19 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tShocklance\tpack\tSatchel Charge\tGrenade\tDeployable Camera\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite2 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tMotion Sensor Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite3 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tLandspike Turret\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite4 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite5 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tSpider Clamp Turret\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite6 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tBlaster\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tAmmunition Pack\tGrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite7 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tAmmunition Pack\tgrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite8 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite9 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tpack\tShield Pack\tgrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Forum::CacheSize = 100;
    $pref::Forum::Column0 = 290;
    $pref::Forum::Column1 = 265;
    $pref::Forum::Column2 = 159;
    $pref::Forum::PostWindowExtent = "500 408";
    $pref::Forum::PostWindowPos = "69 32";
    $pref::HudMessageLogSize = 40;
    $pref::ignoreTeamRepairMessages = "0";
    $pref::Input::ActiveConfig = "WASDConfig";
    $pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Input::KeyboardEnabled = "1";
    $pref::Input::KeyboardTurnSpeed = 0.1;
    $pref::Input::LinkMouseSensitivity = "1";
    $pref::Input::MouseEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Interior::detailAdjust = "1";
    $pref::Interior::DynamicLights = "1";
    $pref::Interior::DynamicLightsClipPix = "0";
    $pref::Interior::DynamicLightsFadePix = "0";
    $pref::Interior::LightUpdatePeriod = "16";
    $pref::Interior::lockArrays = "1";
    $pref::interior::showdetailmaps = 0;
    $pref::Interior::ShowEnvironmentMaps = "1";
    $pref::Interior::TexturedFog = "1";
    $pref::Interior::VertexLighting = "0";
    $pref::IRCClient::autoreconnect = 1;
    $pref::IRCClient::awaymsg = "Don\'t be alarmed.  I\'m going to step away from my computer.";
    $pref::IRCClient::banmsg = "Get out.  And stay out!";
    $pref::IRCClient::hostmsg = "left to host a game.";
    $pref::IRCClient::kickmsg = "Alright, you\'re outta here!";
    $pref::IRCClient::showJoin = 0;
    $pref::IRCClient::showLeave = 0;
    $pref::Lobby::Column1 = 120;
    $pref::Lobby::Column2 = 120;
    $pref::Lobby::Column3 = 50;
    $pref::Lobby::Column4 = 50;
    $pref::Lobby::Column5 = 50;
    $pref::Lobby::SortColumnKey = "3";
    $pref::Lobby::SortInc = "0";
    $pref::NavGraph::drawIndoor = "1";
    $pref::NavGraph::drawJetEdges = "1";
    $pref::NavGraph::drawOutdoor = "1";
    $pref::Net::CheckEmail = "0";
    $pref::Net::DisconnectChat = "0";
    $pref::Net::DisplayOnMaster = "Always";
    $pref::Net::graphFields = 0;
    $pref::Net::lagThreshold = "300";
    $pref::Net::PacketRateToClient = "32";
    $pref::Net::PacketRateToServer = "32";
    $pref::Net::PacketSize = "450";
    $pref::Net::Preset = "4";
    $pref::Net::RegionMask = "2";
    $pref::Net::simPacketLoss = 0;
    $pref::Net::simPing = 0;
    $pref::News::PostWindowExtent = "470 396";
    $pref::News::PostWindowPos = "85 39";
    $pref::NumCloudLayers = "3";
    $pref::OpenGL::allowCompression = "1";
    $pref::OpenGL::allowTexGen = "1";
    $pref::OpenGL::anisotropy = "1";
    $pref::OpenGL::compressionHint = "GL_FASTEST";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableARBMultitexture = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableARBTextureCompression = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableEXTCompiledVertexArray = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableEXTFogCoord = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableEXTPalettedTexture = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableEXTTexEnvCombine = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::disableSubImage = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::gammaCorrection = "0.763158";
    $pref::OpenGL::gl_cull = "1";
    $pref::OpenGL::interiorMipReduction = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::maxHardwareLights = "8";
    $pref::OpenGL::mipReduction = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::noDrawArraysAlpha = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::noEnvColor = "0";
    $pref::OpenGL::skyMipReduction = "0";
    $Pref::OpenGL::TextureTrilinear = "1";
    $pref::ParticleDensity = "1";
    $pref::Player::Current = "0";
    $pref::player::currentFOV = 18;
    $pref::Player::defaultFov = "90";
    $pref::Player::renderMyItems = "1";
    $pref::Player::renderMyPlayer = "1";
    $pref::Player::zoomSpeed = 0;
    $pref::precipitationOn = "0";
    $pref::prePause = "0";
    $pref::RememberPassword = "1";
    $pref::RenderOOBGrid = "1";
    $pref::sceneLighting::cacheLighting = 1;
    $pref::sceneLighting::cacheSize = 7000;
    $pref::sceneLighting::purgeMethod = "lastModified";
    $pref::sceneLighting::terrainGenerateLevel = 1;
    $pref::ServerBrowser::activeFilter = "3";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column0 = "0 183";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column1 = "1 60";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column10 = "10 70";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column11 = "11 100";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column2 = "2 30";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column3 = "3 45";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column4 = "4 120";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column5 = "5 140";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column6 = "7 80";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column7 = "8 80";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column8 = "9 170";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Column9 = "6 74";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::Filter0 = "New Filter\tAny\tAny\t0\t255\t3\t150\t32\t0\t1";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::IgnoreCase = 1;
    $pref::ServerBrowser::InfoWindowBarPos = "126";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::InfoWindowExtent = "361 538";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::InfoWindowOpen = "0";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::InfoWindowPos = "364 229";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::SortColumnKey = "2";
    $pref::ServerBrowser::SortInc = "1";
    $pref::shadows = "1.000000";
    $pref::Shell::lastBackground = 0;
    $pref::Shell::LaunchGui = "Game";
    $pref::SkipIntro = "1";
    $pref::SkyOn = "1";
    $pref::Terrain::dynamicLights = "1";
    $pref::Terrain::DynamicLightsClipPix = "0";
    $pref::Terrain::DynamicLightsFadePix = "0";
    $pref::Terrain::enableDetails = "1";
    $pref::Terrain::screenError = "0";
    $pref::Terrain::texDetail = "0";
    $pref::Terrain::textureCacheSize = "4096";
    $pref::toggleVehicleView = "0";
    $pref::Topics::Column0 = 245;
    $pref::Topics::Column1 = 50;
    $pref::Topics::Column2 = 125;
    $pref::Topics::Column3 = 134;
    $pref::Topics::SortColumnKey = 3;
    $pref::Topics::SortInc = 0;
    $pref::TrainingDifficulty = "3";
    $pref::TrainingPlayBriefing = "0";
    $pref::TS::autoDetail = "1";
    $pref::TS::detailAdjust = "1";
    $pref::TS::fogTexture = "0";
    $pref::TS::screenError = "2";
    $pref::TS::skipFirstFog = "0";
    $pref::TS::skipLoadDLs = "0";
    $pref::TS::skipRenderDLs = "0";
    $pref::use512PlayerSkins = "1";
    $Pref::useImmersion = "0";
    $pref::useOldShieldEffect = "0";
    $pref::usePrefSkins = "0";
    $pref::Vehicle::InvertYAxis = "0";
    $pref::Vehicle::pilotTeleport = "1";
    $pref::Video::allowD3D = "0";
    $pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";
    $pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";
    $pref::Video::clipHigh = "1";
    $pref::Video::deleteContext = "1";
    $pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = "0";
    $pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
    $pref::Video::fullScreen = "1";
    $pref::Video::only16 = "0";
    $pref::Video::preferOpenGL = "1";
    $pref::Video::safeModeOn = "1";
    $pref::visibleDistanceMod = "1";
  • k, am trying now. Graphics card is GeForce 9200 integrated, 256MB
  • I suggest either running in a window, or switching to Direct3D for rendering.
  • Also, trying older drivers will likely work better with your card rather than the latest. Also, set any antialiasing to disabled in your vid card driver control panel.
    Also, set threaded optimisation to disabled too.
    Also, set anisotropic filtering to disabled too.
    If you run game profiles in the driver control panel set them as stated above for t2.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm pretty sure this is caused by you having anti-aliasing turned on in your graphics card control panel. Part of it anyway... letters being replaced with solid rectangles is definitely a problem people get when they have anti-aliasing enabled.

    Though only some cards have the problem. I had it back when I used an older Radeon card, but I can use anti-aliasing just fine with my current nVidia card.
  • k, so would i delete ALL? like the 50 in the other folders?
    Start by deleting all dso files found in your various base folders, and then when you fire up the game, in your graphics settings in the game make sure you do not have "vertex lighting" enabled. Also, set all texture sliders full right.

    What hardware are we dealing with here? What is your vid card?

    Here's a clientprefs you can copy/paste/rename clientprefs.cs and try:
    $pref::AcceptedEULA = 1;
    $pref::AnimateWithTransitions = "True";
    $pref::Audio::activeDriver = "Miles";
    $pref::Audio::captureGainScale = "1";
    $pref::Audio::channels = 2;
    $pref::Audio::decodingMask = 1;
    $pref::Audio::drivers = "Miles";
    $pref::Audio::effectsVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::enableVoiceCapture = "0";
    $pref::Audio::encodingLevel = 0;
    $pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
    $pref::Audio::frequency = "44100";
    $pref::Audio::guiVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::masterVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::musicEnabled = "0";
    $pref::Audio::musicVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::provider = "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio";
    $pref::Audio::radioVolume = "1";
    $pref::Audio::sampleBits = "16";
    $pref::audio::speakerType = "2 Speakers";
    $pref::Audio::voiceChannels = 1;
    $pref::Audio::voiceVolume = "1";
    $pref::chatHudLength = 1;
    $pref::CloudsOn = "1";
    $pref::currentChatMenu = "defaultChatMenu";
    $pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "5000";
    $pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
    $pref::decalsOn = "0";
    $pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "2100";
    $pref::Email::Column0 = 30;
    $pref::Email::Column1 = 250;
    $pref::Email::Column2 = 250;
    $pref::Email::Column3 = 150;
    $pref::Email::ComposeWindowExtent = "500 408";
    $pref::Email::ComposeWindowPos = "74 32";
    $pref::Email::SortColumnKey = 3;
    $pref::Email::SortInc = 1;
    $pref::enableBadWordFilter = "0";
    $pref::environmentMaps = "1";
    $pref::FavCurrentList = "1";
    $pref::FavCurrentSelect = "10";
    $pref::FavNames0 = "SNIPER";
    $pref::FavNames1 = "REPAIR";
    $pref::FavNames10 = "SENSOR";
    $pref::FavNames11 = "ASSAULT DESTROYER";
    $pref::FavNames12 = "LANDSPIKE DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames13 = "INVENTORY DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames14 = "FORWARD ASSAULT";
    $pref::FavNames15 = "EARLY WARNING";
    $pref::FavNames16 = "DECOY";
    $pref::FavNames17 = "HEAVY LOVE";
    $pref::FavNames18 = "FLAG DEFENDER";
    $pref::FavNames19 = "INFILTRATOR";
    $pref::FavNames2 = "SENSOR";
    $pref::FavNames3 = "SPIKE";
    $pref::FavNames4 = "DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames5 = "CLAMP";
    $pref::FavNames6 = "TAILGUNNER";
    $pref::FavNames7 = "JUGGERNAUT OFFENSE";
    $pref::FavNames8 = "JUGGERNAUT DEPLOYER";
    $pref::FavNames9 = "JUGGERNAUT DEFENSE";
    $pref::Favorite0 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tLaser Rifle\tpack\tEnergy Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite1 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tRepair Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite10 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tIX-2000 Rifle\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFF Buster\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tpack\tRepair Pack\tgrenade\tAir Brake\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite11 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tBlaster\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite12 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tpack\tLandspike Turret\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite13 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite14 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tELF Projector\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tEnergy Pack\tGrenade\tWhiteout Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite15 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tELF Projector\tpack\tPulse Sensor Pack\tGrenade\tConcussion Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite16 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tpack\tSensor Jammer Pack\tGrenade\tWhiteout Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite17 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tConcussion Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite18 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tShield Pack\tGrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite19 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tShocklance\tpack\tSatchel Charge\tGrenade\tDeployable Camera\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite2 = "armor\tScout\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tMotion Sensor Pack\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite3 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tLandspike Turret\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite4 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite5 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tSpider Clamp Turret\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite6 = "armor\tAssault\tweapon\tChaingun\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tBlaster\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tpack\tAmmunition Pack\tGrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite7 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tAmmunition Pack\tgrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite8 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tChaingun\tpack\tInventory Station\tgrenade\tFlare Grenade\tMine\tMine";
    $pref::Favorite9 = "armor\tJuggernaut\tweapon\tSpinfusor\tweapon\tGrenade Launcher\tweapon\tMissile Launcher\tweapon\tFusion Mortar\tweapon\tPlasma Rifle\tpack\tShield Pack\tgrenade\tGrenade\tMine\tMine";
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    $pref::IRCClient::awaymsg = "Don\'t be alarmed.  I\'m going to step away from my computer.";
    $pref::IRCClient::banmsg = "Get out.  And stay out!";
    $pref::IRCClient::hostmsg = "left to host a game.";
    $pref::IRCClient::kickmsg = "Alright, you\'re outta here!";
    $pref::IRCClient::showJoin = 0;
    $pref::IRCClient::showLeave = 0;
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  • Yes, any .dso files can be deleted, the game makes them out of the code in vl2 files each time you start the game unless the .dso files already exist. There are scripts one can install to do this each time you close the game, lemme see if I can find a link.


    "// #autoload
    // #name = cleanDSO
    // #version = 1.0
    // #date = December 21, 2001
    // #author = Paul Tousignant
    // #warrior = UberGuy (FT)
    // #email = uberguy@tribes2.org
    // #web = http://uberguy.tribes2.org
    // #description = Remove all your *.dso files every time you exit T2.
    // #category = UberGuy's Scripts
    // #status = Release

    Version 1.0
    by UberGuy (FT) - uberguy@tribes2.org
    December 21, 2001

    REQUIRES: Nothing

    I hate *.dso files. They clutter. They interfere with script installs. They

    Nevermore. Now all your dso's are toast thanks to this handy little script.

    Just toss this script in place and it takes care of it all for you. The dso
    files are deleted just before you exit T2. They come back each time you play, of
    course, but you'll be guaranteed to never have old ones laying around again.

    Place cleanDSO.vl2 anywhere under Tribes2\GameData\base.
    Play T2! The script has no options to configure. It does its work silently.

  • Still didn't work. Tried prefs, tried settings, turning off settings in the video card, nothing worked. IDK how to access older drivers, can some1 tell me how to do that?
  • Assuming Windows, go to Device Manager, go to Properties on the entry for the video card, and hit "Roll Back Drivers". Windows will handle the rest, although in my experience it won't handle it too smoothly given Nvidia drivers.

    A better option would probably be to get the latest drivers for the card and install, and make sure all the options are set to "Application controlled" from the card's control panel.

    And have you tried running in Compatibility Mode yet?
  • Here's a link to the driver that I prefer for my system, it will also support your vid card;


    I prefer it because it has no code for older cards, just the g80 and later cores.
    Give that a shot if you feel like it.

    What os are you running?
  • it wont let me roll back, and the combatibility mode doesnt change a thing. I guess i might ust not be able to play T2
  • i am runnin Windows Vista 32-Bit
  • Here's a link to the driver that I prefer for my system, it will also support your vid card;


    I prefer it because it has no code for older cards, just the g80 and later cores.
    Give that a shot if you feel like it.

    What os are you running?

    yeah, this is xp, i cant use
  • 195.62 is the latest package for a Geforce 9200.

    I'm running an 8300GS with these same drivers and have no troubles at all -- actually better performance in almost everything compared to earlier drivers. If your card has 256MB onboard that's higher than my card even. Other than settings like antialiasing or anisotropy set in the Nvidia CP, I'm out of ideas as to what could be causing your issue.

    How much RAM does the box have?
  • edited December 2009
    Have you disabled all the crap like aero and the like that vista has?

    here ya go:
  • I GOT IT TO WORK!!! Had to do some stuff w/ my drivers. Thank you every1 on your input and help
  • Ok.

    Now tell us what you did so when the next player has this issue he can get some relief?
  • one of my previous drivers wasnt fully uninstalled. I uninstalled the old one, re-did the new one, and it worked
  • Ok.
    When you unistall things like drivers it is best done in safe mode to ensure most of the driver is actually removed. If you uninstall drivers under windows and not in safe mode, parts of the driver cannot be removed as they are in use. In safe mode no 3rd party drivers are running. There are also apps that can help in this as they delete any leftovers such as dlls and registry entries made by the driver but left behind at the driver removal.

    driver cleansing app:

    registry cleaner:
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