Chillphillyphil's Zombie Male Skinpack v1.0 - Released!
Hello everyone. I just want to say thank you to everyone that has supported me. The day has come and my first skinset for tribes 2 is now available to the public. This pack features the light, medium, and heavy male skinset - all zombied out. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed making them. Please leave your comments, questions and suggestions here! Thanks.
P.S. Thank you tribes-next for keeping a great game alive.
If you like what you see and you want to upgrade your lame-0 skins to my skinset - download the file attached and place the .png file sin your tribes/base/textures/skins folder! Yay!
P.S. Thank you tribes-next for keeping a great game alive.
-={Light Armor}=-

-={Medium Armor}=-

-={Heavy Armor}=-

-={Medium Armor}=-

-={Heavy Armor}=-

If you like what you see and you want to upgrade your lame-0 skins to my skinset - download the file attached and place the .png file sin your tribes/base/textures/skins folder! Yay!
keep on skinning, they look awesome
Just play horde 2 on TWM2, and don't build in it.
repect ma authoritah!