Server Questions for existing admins out there
I have been working on getting a T2 server running but so far no luck.
My first attempts were with Linux/Wine which seems to start but gives me the Check Your Ip Port configuration error.
My second attempts, too numerous to count, were with Windows based operating systems but again more errors (UE's, various other glitches)
So my questions to the actual admins out there (hint actual
1. If you are running a server, what operating systems/service packs ARE working for you?
2. If you are running a Linux based server, other than whats already mentioned in the thread here about the subject, any additional tips and tricks?
3. I see posts listing port numbers to open that are all over the map for running a server. Some say all you need is 28000 udp, some say a huge list of ports from here to there. I find it hard to believe the latter would be the spec. Does someone know EXACTLY which ports tcp/udp are required?
4. Attempting to run a basic server using a Dell Power Edge with Rage XL and WinXP Pro is giving me UE's. Is Tribes 2 so finicky that running a dedicated server requires a specific video card and driver?
I know this seems like it should be basic information but having spent quite a bit of time seeking it in Google searches I can attest to how much of what is out there contradicts itself or is too vague to be understandable. Like much Tribes 1 and 2 information this stuff is disappearing from the net. At least the really good stuff is. It might be a nice idea to have an actual section devoted to this information here at the TribesNext site that is separate from the actual forum.
If you are an admin running a server I would love to hear from you.
If you are a server admin wannabe
please save your posts for other threads.
My first attempts were with Linux/Wine which seems to start but gives me the Check Your Ip Port configuration error.
My second attempts, too numerous to count, were with Windows based operating systems but again more errors (UE's, various other glitches)
So my questions to the actual admins out there (hint actual

1. If you are running a server, what operating systems/service packs ARE working for you?
2. If you are running a Linux based server, other than whats already mentioned in the thread here about the subject, any additional tips and tricks?
3. I see posts listing port numbers to open that are all over the map for running a server. Some say all you need is 28000 udp, some say a huge list of ports from here to there. I find it hard to believe the latter would be the spec. Does someone know EXACTLY which ports tcp/udp are required?
4. Attempting to run a basic server using a Dell Power Edge with Rage XL and WinXP Pro is giving me UE's. Is Tribes 2 so finicky that running a dedicated server requires a specific video card and driver?
I know this seems like it should be basic information but having spent quite a bit of time seeking it in Google searches I can attest to how much of what is out there contradicts itself or is too vague to be understandable. Like much Tribes 1 and 2 information this stuff is disappearing from the net. At least the really good stuff is. It might be a nice idea to have an actual section devoted to this information here at the TribesNext site that is separate from the actual forum.
If you are an admin running a server I would love to hear from you.
If you are a server admin wannabe

I run Windows Server2003 with all packs/updates, but this is irrelevant. Reason why is T2 dedicated server will run just fine on 2k, xp, etc. You do not need a fancy server os to host a T2 server. What is needed is a stable and secure os, and some os tuning to make it respond best as a T2 server.
3. I see posts listing port numbers to open that are all over the map for running a server. Some say all you need is 28000 udp, some say a huge list of ports from here to there. I find it hard to believe the latter would be the spec. Does someone know EXACTLY which ports tcp/udp are required?
All one needs is to ensure a single udp port is open to the net. The port can be set in the startup string or in serverprefs.cs. I use 28000 for one T2 server, 28001 for my T1 server, 28002 for the next T2 server, and all these ports and protocols must be entered into the firewall that runs in the server as part of the s2k3 os. If all you can do is select a port but not the protocol, no matter, just set the port. I have found things to go much easier by placing the ip of the server into a dmz in any external hardware firewall or router, but one must have a firewall running in the server to do this safely.
4. Attempting to run a basic server using a Dell Power Edge with Rage XL and WinXP Pro is giving me UE's. Is Tribes 2 so finicky that running a dedicated server requires a specific video card and driver?
That should run fine. No need for a vid card at all if you run the server via rdp even. But a vid card can be helpfull if you need console access at that system. I run my servers via rdp, the remote desktop protcol. This is just like being at the keyboard and mouse with the desktop right in front of you but the server can be 8000 miles away. The ue issue is likely either a networking issue or a settings issue. You must have an open port to the innwerbs, and the serverprefs needs to be set properly as well as the startup string.
A small gameserver primer:
The way the server works is more or less as an observer. This observer compares everything done by players to the ruleset it has; base. classic. ulra, etc. Then it allows or disaalows certain things such as step size, max speed of players according to use of vehicles or on foot and various weapon/projectile settings, judges who shot who first, etc etc, and then spits out a snapshot of gamestate of more or less everything that happened to each client. That is why outgoing server packets are much fatter than incoming client packets, the server has to send an image of gamestate to each client that includes everything that happened in that tick of the clock, again, running at a max of 32 snapshots per second. All client packets (to the server) have is mostly join/move/fire/drop data, and this is often very small compared to the outgoing server packets, almost insignificant sizewise. So what do you see on screen if all you get is 32 update packets per second from the server? For example, if you are at 100fps and you get 32 updates per second from the server, what is it you are seeing for the other 68 fps? Your client uses an algorithm called interpolation that simulates a persistent game world for the rest of the free frames where your client has to actually guess/predict what is going on according to the last frame sent by the server. When you lose contact with the server momentarily and you see someone trail off somewhere in the game and then snap back to their current actual position according to the server you have just seen an example of how your system was using interpolation to determine the movement of that player while net contact was lost.
just some server stuff for you
This setting in xp and s2k3 is found at system properties/advanced/performance/processor scheduling then set for background services. Might as well set visual effects to "adjust for best performance" if the system is truly used as a server.
Anyway I do appreciate the effort but perhaps I should have mentioned I have been running game servers for years, just not Tribes 2.
The site lists the following ports, some of which seem doubtful as to whether they are actually needed for port forwarding to a basic dedicated server.
TCP Port Used For/When
15104 Update check during ONLINE game load.
15204 & 15206 Update check & Authentication during ON-LINE mode.
6660-6699 IRC Ingame chats
UDP Port Used For/When
27999 Master Server Announcements
28000 Master Server Announcements, LAN Server Discovery, Game Play
28002 Master Server Announcements
ICMP Pinging Servers during master server list enumeration
I currently run 3 "Legends" servers which only need 28000 tcp and udp port gorwarded for a dedicated server. I am just trying to nail down which ports are actually need port forwarded for a dedicated Tribes 2 server and if there is anything unusual needed that has been added by the Ruby based auth system TribesNext uses. In the past I have run Tribes1, Quake, and UnReal servers so I am familiar with the subject in general, just not Tribes2.
I have attempted running a dedicated server using Linux and Wine with 28000 tcp and udp forwarded and am getting the Check your IP port configuration error there. Otherwise it seems to start and run fine. as far as I can tell. Yes, the appropriate firewall ports are forwarded at least if all one needs is 28000 tcp and udp.
I also tried running in VirtualBox using both Win2K and WinXP Pro with various errors there.
I also set up a separate dedicated system using WinXP Pro SP3 on a Dell PowerEdge server. Server statrts and then gets the dreaded UE crash every time. Hence the question regarding how finicky a T2 dedicated server is regrading the cheesy Rage XL video card that server uses....which I assume shouldn't even be an issue in a dedicated server.
I'm not really at the point where packets rates and all that make any difference. Gotta get the basics running first. I do thank you for the extra info though. I'm sure it will come in handy once I'm past this first stage.
A server admins out there that have any insight into these areas?
The TribesNext authentication system communication between clients and the game servers is encapsulated within the normal gameplay connection, and there is no communication with the account server (cryptographic verification is used as part of this process, not a networked validation exchange with the account server).
Video card shouldn't be an issue at all if you are initiating a dedicated server from the command line.
If the list server is giving you a port check message, it's almost certainly a port forward not being set up correctly. If you don't believe it, you can try connecting by IP directly from outside the server LAN (press the Insert key while on the server list in game, then type in the IP address + port in the dialog box that pops up).
The UE's you are reporting are also suspect. There should be no issues running the game in any of the Windows OS configurations you've described. It would be prudent to run a checksum (MD5 or SHA1) on the Tribes2 GSI installer that you've downloaded. It sounds likely that the installer you are using is corrupted.
Checksums for the installer and main executable can be found in this thread:
So at this point the Windows based systems all will work no matter whether its through VirtualBox or stand alone.
My ultimate goal is to not have to use Windows at all and run the future version of the server in Linux. I do have that setup as per your instructions using the latest Wine version available for the distribution I am using but its no go so far. It starts up fine and looks like its going to run but I get an error when attempting to connect as a client. No worries, eventually either a new Wine version will correct that or hopefully you are working behind the scenes on an update that better supports Linux.
In the meantime I will continue wrecking science on the Windows based servers as I work out various items and features I want the server to eventually have. I'll try to read through the forum here for solutions before pestering you all too much.
Thanks much for the help.
I know mine was not resolving correctly because the ISP always sent back my lan address.