Tribes2 is still alive? My all time favorite game that I haven't played in probable 6 or 8 years is still going? Wow ... this is going to be a fantastic winter!
My wife dumped me and my two daughters. I became a single father overnight and had to drop all gaming online just to keep my head above water. My daughters are now 15 and 17 and a lot easier to tend to since one of them actually drives now ...
My wife dumped me and my two daughters. I became a single father overnight and had to drop all gaming online just to keep my head above water. My daughters are now 15 and 17 and a lot easier to tend to since one of them actually drives now ...
build them game systems so they have no excuse not to play, besides, what daughter wouldnt want to get back at her father??!!??
that's messed up
build them game systems so they have no excuse not to play, besides, what daughter wouldnt want to get back at her father??!!??
you can breed your own clan into existance!
Playing games with your daughters will make them smarter! It's science!