Meltdown X Keybinds unmappable

I have noticed some of Meltdown X mods keybinds are unmappable. Is there a fix for this?


  • // FixRemap.cs by WegBert
    // Version: 1.0
    // See FixRemap.txt for more info
    function redoBrokenMapping( %actionMap, %device, %action, %cmd, %newIndex )
    	%actionMap.bind( %device, %action, %cmd );
    	//OP_RemapList.setRowById( %oldIndex, buildFullMapString( %oldIndex ) );
    	OP_RemapList.setRowById( %newIndex, buildFullMapString( %newIndex ) );
    package FixRemapLoad {
    function RemapInputCtrl::onInputEvent( %this, %device, %action )
    	Parent::onInputEvent( %this, %device, %action );
    	// prevMapIndex would equal -1 under the following circumstances:
    	// 1. User installed a third-party script which added a remap entry to the list.
    	//    The user removed that script and is trying to rebind a key that was
    	//    previously bound to that script. With the remap entry missing, the system
    	//    fails, because the function bound to the key has no $RemapCmd.
    	// 2. User installed a third-party script which did not add a remap entry to the
    	//    list, but instead replaced an existing command with a third-party one
    	//    (for example, the HappyThrow script upon being run for the first time
    	//     rebinds the user's grenade key from the default function, throwGrenade, to
    	//     throwGrenadeNew). The script may still be installed, but the user is trying
    	//    to rebind the key bound to the third-party function. This third-party function,
    	//    although perfectly valid and existing, has no $RemapCmd.
    	// To counter these problems, the script will warn the user that the function may or
    	// may not exist. It will allow the user to choose whether they still want to rebind
    	// the key or not. If they do, the script will proceed with the remapping that the
    	// original function complained about.
    	if (%this.mode !$= "consoleKey")
    		switch$ ( )
    			case "Observer":
    				%actionMap = observerMap;
    				%cmd  = $ObsRemapCmd[%this.index];
    				%actionMap = moveMap;
    				%cmd  = $RemapCmd[%this.index];
    		%prevMap = %actionMap.getCommand( %device, %action );
    		if (%prevMap !$= %cmd && %prevMap !$= "")
    			%mapName = getMapDisplayName( %device, %action );
    			%prevMapIndex = findRemapCmdIndex( %prevMap );
    			if (%prevMapIndex == -1)
    				// The OK dialog has probably popped up now, so turn it off. We've got the situation
    				// under control.
    				if (MessageBoxOKDlg.isAwake())
    				MessageBoxYesNo( "FIXREMAP WARNING",
    				                 "\"" @ %mapName @ "\" is bound to the function \"" @ %prevMap @ "\"! The function may exist in a user script. See FixRemap.txt in your T2 autoexec dir for more details. Do you still want to undo this mapping?", 
    				                 "redoBrokenMapping(" @ %actionMap @ ", " @ %device @ ", \"" @ %action @ "\", \"" @ %cmd @ "\", " @ %this.index @ ");", "" );
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