Looking for someone to run MV
Well looks like a new Tribes is coming out (Duh) . Since I have had the twins, my gaming time is down to just about 1 hour per month right now (If that) . I am looking for an old MV member, who can be trusted with the MV name to run the operations and lead the MV Community. Be prepared for a lengthy process. I do have a couple of old admins who will be also in the vetting process.
Please inquire on the Facebook Miami Vehicles Group (MV) which is now public or on the website at www.Miamivehicles.com.
Please inquire on the Facebook Miami Vehicles Group (MV) which is now public or on the website at www.Miamivehicles.com.
He is a great lover of variant and long-time MV enthusiast.
I think he's the perfect candidate for the job.
Let's join the server.
Cool, new tribes game.
Awesome there is the vpad. This is Miami 'Vehicles" afterall.
What??? No credits? Huh.
I'm sure he'll continue the MV legacy and hold to the same standards as always!