I've turned off both Windows Firewall and Windows Security Essentials to make sure it wasn't me causing the problem, but it seems the account server is down. So if somebody would be so kind as to flip the switch or put a new rodent on the wheel, it would be much appreciated
It up? It's probably a problem on your end.
Is the registering process giving you any errors?
Sorry if this should've been it's own topic, but I felt that asking the same question in a seperate one would be redundant.
If you're unable to communicate with the account server due to a firewall, you will not be able to complete either account generation or key-pair download. With the key-pair itself, a network connection is not required (or used) to perform the login process.
I generally frown upon the creation of accounts for others because problems generating an account are signs of firewall issues that cause more issues later (e.g. when trying to talk to the listing server, or game servers). Firewalls bundled with anti-virus suites cause problems particularly frequently. Thus, I think the best approach is to figure out what software firewall is interfering with the game's ability to communicate with the remote systems over the network.
after the torture of Registration for this i hope someone can help me about get fixed my problem with the Account creation...
When i want create ingame any new account always tells me the server is not reachable or off and yes i read the hole FAQ's and google for other topics about that issue and nothing works by me. I deinstalled my AntiVir to delete the link scanner permanently... Deleted all dso in the base directory, i make a exception for my firewall and open the Port TCP 27999-28000 and UDP 28000 (27999 its not possible). Singleplayer works fine !
I hope i didnt miss anything ? Can someone please help me or can someone create a account for me and send me the needed files to make it work after that.
But who wants to do me that favor ?
Come one guys let an old Tribes Rabbit rock again !
Its Since a couple of years i didnt play that game but you dont lose your abtilitys fully like driven a car or something like this. *lol*