Trying to run Renegades mod on lan
Hey Guys,
Been a long time since i have played tribes but i wanted to relive the old days and play my favorite mod renegades.
I have tried several times with no success to load the mod up in lan mode. I dit it once before but now i cant figure out how.
any help would be appreciated.
I have all the files installed tried running right off the rens lan server icon and its a no go. guess ill remove dso and try again.
A dedicated LAN server shortcut should read something like
Tribes2.exe -dedicated -nologin -mod Renegades
You will want to clear DSOs if you've run base or another mod prior though, yeah.
I believe Renegades also had an issue with a DNS resolution failure crash due to an included script attempting to make a connection to a domain which no longer exists. See later posts in this thread:
i got it working thanks bud