The problem with people like me is lots of whiny and thin-skinned people will hate me. Personally, I don't give a shit. I tell things as they are without regard for the people who don't realize it. I also don't really care much for discussions if they involve some random person trying to claim Archipelago is a great map. Furthermore, when it comes to absolute facts, like why Tribes 2 went the way it did, I also don't care much for discussions if they involve someone being flat-out wrong. If you think I'm bad, maybe you should take a trip to TribalWar (also known as 'The Tribes Community'). I'm actually quite tame compared to most of them, and that's what Tribes players are like. Welcome aboard?
Obviously you don't realize how many run-ins I've had with Dunna in the past. I know he has no expertise in any of those fields, and I know that I do. So yes, I can say what I said for certain. I saw no reason to proceed in any other way when someone implies something so silly as "if one community can have someone to pay for a server, then every other community should as well!". There are so many things wrong there that someone would have to be totally clueless to actually make the claim. No sense try to argue with someone like that. But it's ok little buddy. From the moment I first saw you post, I wasn't expect anything of value to come from you. Carry on though, posters like you are often entertaining.
Kryand you are a competitive fellow, in game and in forum threads... every conversation is about winning some point. Insults, barbs, little distractions to keep from the truth. The truth is that Tribes 2 is about more than just competition it's about fostering and in some cases nurturing a community.
You are primarily concerned with one facet of this T2 community, competition and the hell with the rest. You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm interested in more than just competition. For T2 to flourish, the community as a whole must be the main concern to those that don't want this game to wither and die.
Do you know why I care about competition? I'm sure I've explained this to you before. If competition doesn't exist, people get bored. Tribes 2 is a fun game to just run around in, but so are Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3. Only the extreme fans are going to stick around if there isn't something more appealing than just running around in pub servers. Competition needs to get started or the game isn't going to take off. Now, competition is usually something that comes naturally with lots of players, but Tribes 2's current player-base is not at the point yet - and it's possible that it's not going to get there without some effort. Grinding the idea into everyone's head and forcing competition to start is one way to help.
Mainstream competition in T2 has been dead for a long time, CTF pubbing kept this facet of the community on life support. If T2 flourishes, the CTF facet won't simply be satisfied with one choice of base or classic or even V2. Already in this forum there's discussion of other mods; additional flavors of T2.
Yeah we already tried that. The result: Classic teams dominated the living hell out of the teams of the other mods, while playing the other team's mod, without even putting forth the slightest bit of effort. The significance: if a team truly wants competition, then Classic is the best choice, because that's where all of the talent is. Anything else would be like choosing to play on the CAL-M league instead of the CAL-I league. I guess they may have their reasons for doing that, but they will be looked down upon, rightfully so.
These discussions only occur with growth; now if you trully want competition to take off, you would help foster that growth in CTF pubbing. This is where new prospects for competitive tribes are observed; besides recruits in IRC, sending t-mail/email or joining forums for consideration and training.
How on earth do you think this whole thing got started? I suggested maps that would improve the quality of play in Goon Haven, and offered to suggest admins that would do the same, and some random guy tries to argue with me about it by insisting on a map that ruins the game for a hell of a lot more people than those who like it. Furthermore, even if you count off for every single post I've made anywhere and anything negative I may have done prior to TribesNext, I've still done way more to support this game - in the ways you've mentioned, and then some - than almost every single poster in this thread combined. So, the outcome of this thread really doesn't register on my "affecting Tribes 2" meter. Not at this point anyway.
Obviously you don't realize how many run-ins I've had with Dunna in the past. I know he has no expertise in any of those fields, and I know that I do. So yes, I can say what I said for certain. I saw no reason to proceed in any other way when someone implies something so silly as "if one community can have someone to pay for a server, then every other community should as well!". There are so many things wrong there that someone would have to be totally clueless to actually make the claim. No sense try to argue with someone like that. But it's ok little buddy. From the moment I first saw you post, I wasn't expect anything of value to come from you. Carry on though, posters like you are often entertaining.
I see black men leaving your house whilst you're at work.
Jesus Christ, dude, you're going a step beyond arguing on the internet... you're arguing and showing your e-peen on an [glow=red,2,300]EIGHT YEAR OLD VIDEO GAME FORUM[/glow]. Your keen intellectual superiority would be wonderful on GameFAQs. Plenty of peers for you to mingle with there.
You also honestly do not know the difference between "objective" and "subjective" so stop pretending or at least gracefully back away from this train wreck of a thread.
Tribes 2 is a game. It is a game that didn't do too well. I bought it on release day and was disappointed at many of the changes from Tribes 1, but I got used to them. However the game didn't stick with me like the first one did, so I quit. I have a feeling many others did the same. For years the community has been small, insignificant (compared to other mass releases at that time and since), and filled with the lamest thing of all... game drama!
Please just play to play. Goon Haven will be having a tournament soon, I happily welcome you to come and just PLAY THE GAME. Please, please, please stop trying to belittle others that are trying to REVIVE the Tribes community. Go argue about why UT3 failed or something. We're all playing the same game here.
Kryand I suggest that you just take a step back and think about this a while, as should everyone else in this thread. It has gotten way off topic and if you intend to continue then it needs to continue over private message, not out in public where everyone can see it.
Tribes hasn't been back long enough for people to start bickering about silly nonsense, and frankly I'm tired of reading it.
Now, back to Tribes2: it's fun! Just play and don't worry about the competition folks. Or lack of.
You couldn't be more right BH! Some of the other members and server admin and I are talking about getting some comp going. That should be a ton of FUN!
My last contribution to this thread will be to state that all 3 Halo games are god awful.
My girlfriend, who is a med student, came across a study published in a well-respected medical journal that found a high correlation between people who play lots of Halo 3 and people who have Erectile Dysfunction. I am not making this up.
Ya guys and gals goons really suxors! its full of nubz that dont know how to play and its a CLASSIC server. I got TK'ed lastnight then the guy votes to kick me and they all voted yes. Just a thought but shouldnt the TK'er get kicked and not the guy getting tk"ed. I dont think goons will last very long there are already over 100 people that hate them for NO reason kicks.
I just hope some one can host a good BASE server. Sorta like EWO did but NOT the "WE are EWO we are so great attitude" I like team damage some times but in GOONS its stupid cuz you have 20 nubz with mortars spamming the flag and you can never keep a REAL flag deffence going because they just mortar all your turrets and kill team mates trying to mortar the capper. Im seeing some of the old school players i used to see in the past but i seriously dont know myself weather ill continue to play tribes 2 or not.
If i could find a good BASE server with people and no DAMN bots people STOP putting bots in your servers this is why no one will join your server cuz there is bots and bots are stupid and dont work on half the maps. So in closing LOOKING FOR A GOOD BASE SERVER WITH NO TEAM DAMAGE AND GOOD MATURE PLAYERS.
The | Sniper 5 years pro TWL, Tribes iv played in, Fallen of ymir,Steel city Snipers,EWO,
The | Names,Mister MR
Record holder for the most headshots (Still undefeated) Proof here--->
Undefeated 3 years in a row official sniper and marksmenship duels and contests via TWL, Marksmen record holder in stats on OLD EWO server,Huston vehicals,Miami Vehicals.
Arguably the best sniper to play tribes 2 im sure my enemies will say different but the fact remains i have the scores and the stats thats logged OFFICIALLY they do not! They talk shit but have no records to back up their claims.....I DO
Kryand... I honestly take back anything that I might have said against you.
Sniper please come back to the server so that I can make your stay more pleasant. I'm sorry you hate new players and that my server doesn't cater to your needs. Please get your own Poweredge and 20mb pipe and host your own. Or go rent one from Branzone (free advertisement!).
Wow... looking at his other posts, he's got some serious issues with the inhabitants of Goon Haven. Like, more than any of us do...
I think the gist of Sniper's post is he wants a good base server with no team damage and good mature players. Well... that's a bit of a paradox, since if Sniper joins, they won't all be good and mature, now will they?
Ya guys and gals goons really suxors! its full of nubz that dont know how to play and its a CLASSIC server. I got TK'ed lastnight then the guy votes to kick me and they all voted yes. Just a thought but shouldnt the TK'er get kicked and not the guy getting tk"ed. I dont think goons will last very long there are already over 100 people that hate them for NO reason kicks.
I just hope some one can host a good BASE server. Sorta like EWO did but NOT the "WE are EWO we are so great attitude" I like team damage some times but in GOONS its stupid cuz you have 20 nubz with mortars spamming the flag and you can never keep a REAL flag deffence going because they just mortar all your turrets and kill team mates trying to mortar the capper. Im seeing some of the old school players i used to see in the past but i seriously dont know myself weather ill continue to play tribes 2 or not.
If i could find a good BASE server with people and no DAMN bots people STOP putting bots in your servers this is why no one will join your server cuz there is bots and bots are stupid and dont work on half the maps. So in closing LOOKING FOR A GOOD BASE SERVER WITH NO TEAM DAMAGE AND GOOD MATURE PLAYERS.
The | Sniper 5 years pro TWL, Tribes iv played in, Fallen of ymir,Steel city Snipers,EWO,
The | Names,Mister MR
Record holder for the most headshots (Still undefeated) Proof here--->
Undefeated 3 years in a row official sniper and marksmenship duels and contests via TWL, Marksmen record holder in stats on OLD EWO server,Huston vehicals,Miami Vehicals.
Arguably the best sniper to play tribes 2 im sure my enemies will say different but the fact remains i have the scores and the stats thats logged OFFICIALLY they do not! They talk shit but have no records to back up their claims.....I DO
Ya guys and gals goons really suxors! its full of nubz that dont know how to play and its a CLASSIC server. I got TK'ed lastnight then the guy votes to kick me and they all voted yes. Just a thought but shouldnt the TK'er get kicked and not the guy getting tk"ed. I dont think goons will last very long there are already over 100 people that hate them for NO reason kicks.
I just hope some one can host a good BASE server. Sorta like EWO did but NOT the "WE are EWO we are so great attitude" I like team damage some times but in GOONS its stupid cuz you have 20 nubz with mortars spamming the flag and you can never keep a REAL flag deffence going because they just mortar all your turrets and kill team mates trying to mortar the capper. Im seeing some of the old school players i used to see in the past but i seriously dont know myself weather ill continue to play tribes 2 or not.
If i could find a good BASE server with people and no DAMN bots people STOP putting bots in your servers this is why no one will join your server cuz there is bots and bots are stupid and dont work on half the maps. So in closing LOOKING FOR A GOOD BASE SERVER WITH NO TEAM DAMAGE AND GOOD MATURE PLAYERS.
The | Sniper 5 years pro TWL, Tribes iv played in, Fallen of ymir,Steel city Snipers,EWO,
The | Names,Mister MR
Record holder for the most headshots (Still undefeated) Proof here--->
Undefeated 3 years in a row official sniper and marksmenship duels and contests via TWL, Marksmen record holder in stats on OLD EWO server,Huston vehicals,Miami Vehicals.
Arguably the best sniper to play tribes 2 im sure my enemies will say different but the fact remains i have the scores and the stats thats logged OFFICIALLY they do not! They talk shit but have no records to back up their claims.....I DO
lmao.... thank you for that, that was quite funny . If your actually being serious about even half your post... then I express my deepest condolences for your family and their medical bills.
wow that didnt take long sniper ya know the more things change the more they stay the same but thanks for the laugh. On a serious not I to would enjoy a base server although I dont ming classic at all its just tribes 2 to me. Although I do sometimes get tired of the TKing sometimes.I dont know how many times I havta replace turrets because some noob is just chucking down mortars at all the thing I have set up.Just A few thoughts its not always smart to set all the turrets to mortar on raindance!!!! and just blindly spam nades and mortars in your own gen room for instance.
Obviously you don't realize how many run-ins I've had with Dunna in the past. I know he has no expertise in any of those fields, and I know that I do. So yes, I can say what I said for certain. I saw no reason to proceed in any other way when someone implies something so silly as "if one community can have someone to pay for a server, then every other community should as well!". There are so many things wrong there that someone would have to be totally clueless to actually make the claim. No sense try to argue with someone like that. But it's ok little buddy. From the moment I first saw you post, I wasn't expect anything of value to come from you. Carry on though, posters like you are often entertaining.
Do you know why I care about competition? I'm sure I've explained this to you before. If competition doesn't exist, people get bored. Tribes 2 is a fun game to just run around in, but so are Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3. Only the extreme fans are going to stick around if there isn't something more appealing than just running around in pub servers. Competition needs to get started or the game isn't going to take off. Now, competition is usually something that comes naturally with lots of players, but Tribes 2's current player-base is not at the point yet - and it's possible that it's not going to get there without some effort. Grinding the idea into everyone's head and forcing competition to start is one way to help.
Yeah we already tried that. The result: Classic teams dominated the living hell out of the teams of the other mods, while playing the other team's mod, without even putting forth the slightest bit of effort. The significance: if a team truly wants competition, then Classic is the best choice, because that's where all of the talent is. Anything else would be like choosing to play on the CAL-M league instead of the CAL-I league. I guess they may have their reasons for doing that, but they will be looked down upon, rightfully so.
How on earth do you think this whole thing got started? I suggested maps that would improve the quality of play in Goon Haven, and offered to suggest admins that would do the same, and some random guy tries to argue with me about it by insisting on a map that ruins the game for a hell of a lot more people than those who like it. Furthermore, even if you count off for every single post I've made anywhere and anything negative I may have done prior to TribesNext, I've still done way more to support this game - in the ways you've mentioned, and then some - than almost every single poster in this thread combined. So, the outcome of this thread really doesn't register on my "affecting Tribes 2" meter. Not at this point anyway.
I see black men leaving your house whilst you're at work.
Jesus Christ, dude, you're going a step beyond arguing on the internet... you're arguing and showing your e-peen on an [glow=red,2,300]EIGHT YEAR OLD VIDEO GAME FORUM[/glow]. Your keen intellectual superiority would be wonderful on GameFAQs. Plenty of peers for you to mingle with there.
You also honestly do not know the difference between "objective" and "subjective" so stop pretending or at least gracefully back away from this train wreck of a thread.
Tribes 2 is a game. It is a game that didn't do too well. I bought it on release day and was disappointed at many of the changes from Tribes 1, but I got used to them. However the game didn't stick with me like the first one did, so I quit. I have a feeling many others did the same. For years the community has been small, insignificant (compared to other mass releases at that time and since), and filled with the lamest thing of all... game drama!
Please just play to play. Goon Haven will be having a tournament soon, I happily welcome you to come and just PLAY THE GAME. Please, please, please stop trying to belittle others that are trying to REVIVE the Tribes community. Go argue about why UT3 failed or something. We're all playing the same game here.
Tribes hasn't been back long enough for people to start bickering about silly nonsense, and frankly I'm tired of reading it.
sorry, had to
Now, back to Tribes2: it's fun! Just play and don't worry about the competition folks. Or lack of.
You couldn't be more right BH! Some of the other members and server admin and I are talking about getting some comp going. That should be a ton of FUN!
Tell us some more about how great and above everyone you are. Please, do it for the thread which you have taken it upon yourself to derail.
There's no need for flamebait, as players of an eight year old game you should all be well above that maturity level. This is not halo.
This is not halo.
Oh no you DIDN'T
This is not halo.
It's the Halo Killer!
My girlfriend, who is a med student, came across a study published in a well-respected medical journal that found a high correlation between people who play lots of Halo 3 and people who have Erectile Dysfunction. I am not making this up.
The thread was already long dead.
[quote author=TheOracle[xXx] link=topic=281.msg3274#msg3274 date=1232743062]
The kids that play halo aren't old enough to have erections yet.
How do you explain the happy tingles I get when running someone over with a Warthog?
I just hope some one can host a good BASE server. Sorta like EWO did but NOT the "WE are EWO we are so great attitude" I like team damage some times but in GOONS its stupid cuz you have 20 nubz with mortars spamming the flag and you can never keep a REAL flag deffence going because they just mortar all your turrets and kill team mates trying to mortar the capper. Im seeing some of the old school players i used to see in the past but i seriously dont know myself weather ill continue to play tribes 2 or not.
If i could find a good BASE server with people and no DAMN bots people STOP putting bots in your servers this is why no one will join your server cuz there is bots and bots are stupid and dont work on half the maps. So in closing LOOKING FOR A GOOD BASE SERVER WITH NO TEAM DAMAGE AND GOOD MATURE PLAYERS.
The | Sniper 5 years pro TWL, Tribes iv played in, Fallen of ymir,Steel city Snipers,EWO,
The | Names,Mister MR
Record holder for the most headshots (Still undefeated) Proof here--->
Undefeated 3 years in a row official sniper and marksmenship duels and contests via TWL, Marksmen record holder in stats on OLD EWO server,Huston vehicals,Miami Vehicals.
Arguably the best sniper to play tribes 2 im sure my enemies will say different but the fact remains i have the scores and the stats thats logged OFFICIALLY they do not! They talk shit but have no records to back up their claims.....I DO
Someone got some acetaminophen handy?
Sniper please come back to the server so that I can make your stay more pleasant. I'm sorry you hate new players and that my server doesn't cater to your needs. Please get your own Poweredge and 20mb pipe and host your own. Or go rent one from Branzone (free advertisement!).
I think the gist of Sniper's post is he wants a good base server with no team damage and good mature players. Well... that's a bit of a paradox, since if Sniper joins, they won't all be good and mature, now will they?
lmao.... thank you for that, that was quite funny
Sniper if I'm ever on a bombing run and I see you, be sure to stand still and I'll deliver your christmas present early.
Good call.