.Bat help?
I was doing a bat so I cant del my .Dso when i start tribes 2, but i got a problem.
when i was trying to run it, it just say it cant find the tribes.exe or the SierraUp.exe
are some one good whit bats who can help me?
here how it´s look like
echo Tribes 2
echo 1) Launch Online Dedicated Server
echo 2) Launch Tribes 2
set /p var=
IF '%var%' == '1' goto Ded
IF '%var%' == '2' goto play
goto exit
Start Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod construction -nopure
goto exit
goto exit
Obs: the .bat file is in the tribes 2 map... there tribes.exe and SierraUp.exe
I was doing a bat so I cant del my .Dso when i start tribes 2, but i got a problem.
when i was trying to run it, it just say it cant find the tribes.exe or the SierraUp.exe
are some one good whit bats who can help me?
here how it´s look like
echo Tribes 2
echo 1) Launch Online Dedicated Server
echo 2) Launch Tribes 2
set /p var=
IF '%var%' == '1' goto Ded
IF '%var%' == '2' goto play
goto exit
Start Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod construction -nopure
goto exit

goto exit
Obs: the .bat file is in the tribes 2 map... there tribes.exe and SierraUp.exe
ok this my hole .bat (I dunno how to do the code thing >_< poor me)
@echo OFF
cd ..
del /s /q *.dso
echo Tribes 2
echo 1) Launch Online Dedicated Server
echo 2) Launch Tribes 2
set /p var=
IF '%var%' == '1' goto Ded
IF '%var%' == '2' goto play
goto exit
Start Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod construction -nopure
goto exit
goto exit
and im not asking for del the .dso im asking why i get the error :P
That should solve the update error.
If that doesn't get the .dso files, the lines in the .bat that comes with Classic might...
You can also try dropping in a .dso deleter like this:
You could try adding the following at the beginning of the batch (after turning off echo and removing "cd..")
and teratos i have a del .dso bat but im to lasy to press it all the time...
and as I was saying the del .dso thing is working but i could not start the Tribes 2, I did just get error... and if I now do
Start Tribes2.exe -online -mod construction
goto exit
I get error that the uppdate was not find...
(and still to bad i dunno how to do quotes... i realy need to find those commands xD )
Then later on, it has a line that removes Sierra update (because it no longer works):
Start Tribes2.exe -online -mod construction
I can't understand why you would get any error about updates with the SierraUpdater.exe removed.
Can you post the exact message, and an exact copy of your modified .bat?
By frejoh466
Not working:
By frejoh466
O_o my screens did failed...