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I indeed have a router, but the another person does not. When he set up a server, I still couldn't see it, for some reason... I thought that when you set up a server, it appears on the Tribes 2 master server list, isn't it? Is there no specific option in the advance settings tab that must be enabled? (pure server or such).…
This time I tried Tribes 2 on Pardus 2011, with wine version 1.3.23. This time it couldn't even get through the login screen: it says that I'm not running the patched exe. But I obviously do run that, since it clearly shows the TribesNext logo above the login panel. I have both winetricks and gecko installed... On the…
Ok, but any comment on the "invalid account certificate" error message? Is it common or is it just me?
Ok, I managed to start the game by opening a console at the gamedata directory -> wine cmd.exe then typing classic_online.bat in the command line. I can only report that the game runs fine until I attempt to join a server - then "invalid account certificate" error pops up... wine 1.0.1 & xubuntu with xfce 4.
Um, how can I execute the bat file in wine, that's needed to run tribes? Cuz my wine does not recognize bat files... :(
In fact it's quite a stunt, considering that the TN patch detects your T2 installation folder automatically :D But I realised by now that there IS A PROBLEM, and tribes 2 crashes whenever I try to launch a solo/lan game with no internet connection, but - quite ironically - solo/LAN does not crash whenever I have an…
Ah never mind I just installed tribesnext into the wrong dir, lol, admin plz delete this thread :P
Was that ADiDaSWaRRiOR? [/quote] Oh, im not sure who it was, Shadowrath was part of the team then, I can remember that much ;)
I've just finished reading your thread on goonhaven, it certainly had some interesting replies, my favourites were: 1) While being chased by a shrike, go underwater and BOMB :) for projectiles being slow in water, bombs will act like sea mines. I'll definitely give it a try ;) 2) Tailgunner/bomber can sometimes consider…
Thanx for your tips on escort ;) It sounds really useful! I do not a agree with you on the not using the belly turret thing, though. Just yesterday I was at tailgunner position, we were being chased by a shrike, I managed to shoot a missile on the thing, but it survived and came closer... it tried to attack from below, and…
Xionc you have your point. But in fact the best way to approach the enemy base is by side ways: no front line before or after ;) I wrote a short guide because nowdays I encountered many newbies who did not even know how to switch weapons as a bomber, or how to drop flares as a tailgunner. They got destroyed right after a…