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Problem we've been having is, we get people to join, they don't see enough people, then they leave. For some reason, we can't get people to stick around long enough for them to see each other ;)
Last game of April... Make sure to be there tomorrow :D
Always Eastern time zone for our postings :) So, official start time is 9PM EST US, and usually goes on late, until 2am usually. So, if you miss the start time, don't skip out on a great time, we always welcome late arrivals.
You know you want to join us ;) BTW, it's obviously march now, but I'm too lazy to start a new thread right now
You should be on here biatchs ;)
Just watch your chat screen ;) (Or use Teamspeak) We'll give you advice as it goes
Glad you didn't try last friday... our host server took a crap on us. It is up and working now, so feel free to install the mod and join the server to make sure it works. We could help you at our site if you need it.
I wish this site wasn't blocked at work. I'd update things more often.... tis Friday again, and we have fun waiting for you :)
too late to make the Jan post, but we are playing tonight (new year day)
Yeah, it's hosted on branzone. NextGen pays for and handles it. I'll look into it and see about getting things done. Better voice quality would be nice ;)
Still playing... and yes, on Christmas too. Did know there was a TS3. I'm not sure what version we're using/supporting. It's a paid host.
lol, missed both of you once again ;)
So where have the two of you been? ;)
Reminder bump
Yep, hope to see both of you ;)
Saw you trying to join. Did you d/l the mod first?
Just because it's 'Black Friday', doesn't mean we skip a Fight Night ;)
Yeah, the official start time is 9PM EST, but not everyone joins right away. Many people are night owls, so they like to join at 10PM or later. We usually have 4 or so people by 9:30PM, then it grows quickly. Many people like to watch for others to join the server before they will. Anyway, this week, join and hang out if…
Friday the 13th Fight Night... tonight!
Last Fight Night of the month... come join us for some pre-Halloween action
I hope so too... last week was pretty kick ass. Plenty of people and the server almost maxed out.
I think you were still missing one... glad you were able to join us again afterwards :) To all those who didn't join us... you missed a damn good night. It's still going as of this post, but I'm guessing no one will see it in time
Last game for Sept... come join us :D
It may be sept 11th, but we'll still be playing tonight...
Friday Night reminder... We'd love to have you join us :D
Ok, so it's August, but I'm too busy at the moment to start a new post... so this week, I just want to do a bump for those who need reminders :)
Last Fight Night of July... come join us
Reminder Bump.