Tribes 2 Veterans
I've played Tribes 2 since April, 2001 and I don't plan to quit anytime soon. I've played almost every mod out there, seen the begining of construction, and the fall of many mods. My personal favorite mods are Ninja Mod, BONES Mod, and Quantium 2.8 (Yeah that's right. Quantium 2.8, surprising isn't it?)
I wanted to know if there are any other T2 vets that recently came back. Maybe we could slaughter some noobs some time.
I wanted to know if there are any other T2 vets that recently came back. Maybe we could slaughter some noobs some time.

My mod of choice was always Syrinx......good times. I really would like to get back into this like I used to be.
It's been a long time old friend.
Yes, he is a script kiddie. But I had some good times and good laughs then, and that version of Quantium wasn't as gay as QX. Good times. But Ninja Mod and BONES are way better in my opinion.
No shit. I didn't ask how many people are vets, I'm asking WHO they are. Maybe you should learn to read. And, 95% of the people I've seen on lately are noobs. Most don't even know how to change their loadout and run around in spawn gear.
And all my post meant was that the answer is yes. So chill.
Familiar name, and I'm a very good shrike pilot so I'm into them as well.
While I think it will be our playground of a past era (figuratively), I think advertising T2's online return would help bolster the #'s we'd see online even if it will be purely veterans. I'm not opposed to gunning down some newbies; everyone needs a bit 'o cannon fodder. But for every serious newbie looking to get his game on, you get about five rejects proportionally.
Oh, and I have way too many aliases: Darkhaze, Dark-One, y0da, Unstoppable, Rawheat. Played Tribes 1 forever (6+ years; a few ladders: OGL, TW,, etc.), Tribes 2, and *cringe* T:V when my previous addictions dried up. Played base (T1), Renegades (T1), RPG (T1), & base/classic (T2). Nothing really has quite come out on the market that has ever lived up to the gameplay style and pace of T1/T2. I remember it being a breath of fresh air coming from the Quake 2 MP days.
Unstoppable- Yeah advertising would bring in more folks. Though I think people are holding off till the build is solid enough. Don't want new folks coming in running into bugs and forgetting about it altogether.
Remember though tribes 1 was not overly popular till it became a free game even if it was not legally so. So if this gets ironed out theres a good chance of it working out.
Right, makes sense. Especially about the buggy aspects being ironed out before you guys go full throttle on the advertising campaign. I'll probably share this with a few other level-headed and patient tribes players who won't mind running into the bugs if it'll help with a reemergence of activity (which is what we're all hoping for I think).
T1 player and mapper, and T2 player, mapper, and modder. Became fearsome in the shrike, and since lost my ability to fly it after playing Planetside, and the Reaver reprogrammed my brain.
I hear that years of no tribes 2 and I've been accidently hitting space to try and make my shrike go up. Ooops. Nice to see ya popped in though necro.
Most mods do suck, like War2003 for example. But that's my opinion.
Back to T2 from 2002. I've played mostly Renagades mod and some base. Hopefully somebody can get a server up running that. Otherwise c you all on there.
Personally base++ was my favorite way to play. I also loved Minrabbit a whole lot.
Anyway, The_Kaioshin, former member of Team Spider in the and Eurotribes-League or whatever. Feared and defamed by my enemies as the worst chainwhore ever in existence (I've got pretty good at shock-lancing and midairing, though. Thanks, Kekskopf!) and reliable teammate for all the dull and boring jobs.
We'll meet again, Shazbot!