Remote Camera HUD

Aside from being a sensor net supplement, most people don't bother with remote cameras. However, if there were a way to watch a camera through a HUD, they would be much more useful. Defenders could watch for incoming enemies in more than one direction, attackers could use them as spotters while indirectly mortaring, etc.

I know there is a command map HUD script. Would it be possible to modify that to display the command TV thing you get when you select a camera or player? I don't know anything about tribes scripting, so I don't know where to start.


  • I think either vectrhud, or, pilot hud2 that allows the person occupying the bombadier seat to have another smaller screen focused on where the player was looking, so if it was possible to modify, and isolate that part of the script it might be possible, but I don't know, I don't write scripts, try talking to someone on #tribes about it.
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