Tribes 2 ports

Anyone know what ports Tribes uses? I know you don't have to forward anything but I am trying to give it priority in my router since I live in a house with some other guys with a shared connection. From searches it seems to be 27999 TCP/UDP. Is that the only one?

Thanks in advance.


  • That should do. Better to just give priority to any udp traffic from your system by ip or name.
  • If you're running a server, you'll be connecting inbound on 28000/UDP only, by default. If you're trying to make this sort of prioritization outbound, then you could try remote connections to port 28000/UDP, but not all T2 servers run on that part.
  • No server, just a normal player. I was also trying to avoid having to shut down utorrent, etc while playing. I have had success with other games doing this. I usually give utorrent's ports low priority, the game high priority, and my pings and performance were the same with utorrent running and without. Maybe just having utorrent on "low" priority is enough to not effect T2, but I'd like to put T2 on "high" as well.
  • All torrents should be tcp, so just prioritising udp should do all you need.
  • If you prioritize UDP over TCP, the only thing you have to compete with is other FPS games and VOIP. As Blakhart says, P2P, mail, web, and IRC all use TCP.

    BTW, what kind of router do you use? If you happen to be using DD-WRT firmware on a Linksys router, make sure you update!
  • isn't there two other ports for hosting (the heartbeat to server, and something else)? I had to forward like three ports to get my server to show up on the server list when the original server was up way back when.
  • For servers, there's a heartbeat to the master server, which is how the master server knows what servers to report to clients. Any other ports would be for management of the server, such as for tricon (which I believe is TCP as it's not time-sensitive).
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