How do I start my own classic server (without UEing)

edited July 2009 in Server Support
In the past I've always used the shortcuts on my desktop (Tribes 2 Classic Only-Online or Tribes 2 Classic Only-Solo and LAN) to start my own classic-based server, however the past month or so when I've tried it I get a UE (c0000005 at 0052a0b9) when it is at 99% of loading Ghosted Objects. I can't recall making any changes to my T2 folder or desktop icons so I don't understand why this would all the sudden happen.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Edit: would downloading any of the Construction mod files interfere with this for some reason? I just noticed I have a Contruction Online (SI) and Construction Offline (SI) in my Dynamix startup folder.


  • Delete all dso files, and try again. If your ispawn string is correct for the mod you wish to run you should be ok, but if construction mod added anything to your autoexec folder, that may cause issues with running classic.
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