Making Korean Version of T2

Hi, i'm cha from korea.
i'm trying to make T2 to Korean Version. (I only have a little knowledge of programming)
I thought i could fix it modifying .cs file's string just to Korean string.
but i couldn't make it.
for example:
I changed somewords below(GameGui.cs)

GM_TabView.addTab( 1, "JOIN" );
GM_TabView.addTab( 2, "HOST" );
GM_TabView.addTab( 3, "WARRIOR SETUP", 1 );

changed JOIN, HOST and WARRIOR SETUP to Korean words.
but It came up with broken characters.

is it because Korean character using 2-bytes?
is there a way to fix it?
do i need to learn more about programming? :D

I know my english sucks but i bet you guys understood/
please help us, Korean Users :)


  • Unfortunately T2 does not support unicode. This will not be possible.
  • Not like that anyway. You could probably replace those buttons with bitmap images that have the Korean letters as part of the image, then leave the text field blank. However, that's only going to be possible in a few places. There might be some other workarounds, like replacing English letters with Korean letters in a custom font and trying to work out the text that way, but I have no idea how to define a new font in Tribes 2. I'm too tired to think of anything at the moment.
  • Interestingly, there was an official Korean build of the game eons ago. There's an engine call in the console isKoreanBuild(), which returns 0 in the Sierra freeware version. The English version of T2 doesn't support UTF-16, which you would need for ordinary text support in the game.

    As mentioned above, you can make UI elements use bitmaps or other graphics to represent the characters you want. It would be more labor intensive, but you could at least get the client side game UI localized. Localizing gameplay on servers (i.e. chat messages between players) might be intractable, though, without some very complicated changes to the UI.
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