Team Rabbit 2 Bots
Hello everyone, just got into T2 a few weeks ago. I've been honing my skills on the various modes such as Siege and CTF with bots.
Tonight I wanted to try TR2, but to no avail due to the lack of bots. I got to play with myself, but that gets boring after a while, you know?
Anyways, I just wanted to ask if there were any bots specializing in TR2, or if there are any that work.
- StripeyDope
Tonight I wanted to try TR2, but to no avail due to the lack of bots. I got to play with myself, but that gets boring after a while, you know?
Anyways, I just wanted to ask if there were any bots specializing in TR2, or if there are any that work.
- StripeyDope
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