
How many of you like siege? Or are at least willing to give it a shot? This is by far my favorite gametype, and I know quite a few others who love it. All I want to do is play a big game of siege again, its been too long. Red Shifter told me that fishie was gonna bring back the pond... but we shall see. I'm curious who's interested in it though.


  • I've played siege before, Its not my favorite gametype, though that's probably because I play CTF more than any other, I'd be willing to play a good big game. I normally don't play these types because of the Tribes2 AI, but Real People playing would be great! I'm in whenever.
  • I like to occasionally try Siege with bots, but am disappointed at the fact that no bot has ever successfully captured. I could probably pit the bots against each other and go observer, and they wouldn't get it.

    To do Siege effectively with live people, I think there would need to be some good practice beforehand. There was one night on the Goon server that we surprisingly voted to run a Siege map, Alcatraz, but there is a apparently a "secret" trick on that map that enabled the capturing team to win in just under a minute, before the rest of us had even made it through the invo stations for the initial loadout. Since I know most/all the Siege maps have multiple, sometimes less-known, entries into the base, effective defense would mean knowing where they all are and how they could be exploited, and I think that would take numerous sessions of Siege to get right.
  • Yeah, that would be a problem, and If we could get enough people to go to the practices then the game it would be great, although we would need a clan scrimmage like practice. Just so we know who is all coming and so we can get a good map for that many people.
  • I like Siege.
  • [move]:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D [/move]
  • Valid points.

    Most siege maps really are not too difficult, but it does focus a lot on speed and teamwork. Alcatraz does have a "backcap" along with Gauntlet and others. Most maps really are not that hard to figure out as long as you know how to read because I would be spamming what to do haha. But there are A LOT of shitty siege maps, beware.
  • Siege is my favourite gametype when playing any kind of organised games. I would love to see the Pond back as I would use it often for sure.

    If enough people were interested perhaps we could have siege pickup games where those who turn up 'must' be familiar with the maps ie. where the gens are, what gens do what, and where the switches are. That way a team captain could efficiently set roles and I think it would work really well.

    Some of my best memories of Tribes 2 were the various siege ladders I took part in with some T2 buddies both in the USA and Australia. It was always a shame that more people did not seem to get into the Siege gametype.

    Any Siege server would need unbalanced maps like Masada removed from the rotation.
  • Siege is my favourite gametype when playing any kind of organised games. I would love to see the Pond back as I would use it often for sure.

    If enough people were interested perhaps we could have siege pickup games where those who turn up 'must' be familiar with the maps ie. where the gens are, what gens do what, and where the switches are. That way a team captain could efficiently set roles and I think it would work really well.

    Some of my best memories of Tribes 2 were the various siege ladders I took part in with some T2 buddies both in the USA and Australia. It was always a shame that more people did not seem to get into the Siege gametype.

    Any Siege server would need unbalanced maps like Masada removed from the rotation.

    Ahhh.. masada (nuff said). I tried to get a siege PU a few weeks before tribesnext happened. 4 people showed up. But this is also back when rebels was the most popular server *cringe*

    I would help pay for a new pond server but I'm moving soon and unsure if I will have enough cash flow to afford that. But I'm more than willing to help organize a siege pu, as well as teach siege noobs the maps :)
  • I luv teh seige! I cut my teeth on the seige server on The Pond and I think it's a wonderful game type. I'll join a PU if able.
  • I'd say let's have a PU this weekend, but I am moving this weekend and may or may not have computer hooked up right away. Maybe Sunday? Plus I don't know of a good server to have it on.
  • Ultima Thule ftw! Call me in! (Seriously, write an call-up email - I'm an old geezer already. ^_T)
  • I'm in for this weekend, and I can if no one else is able host a Siege game server with Classic Mod. :D
  • I'm in for this weekend, and I can if no one else is able host a Siege game server with Classic Mod. :D

    I'd be up for that, let me know!
  • I'm in for this weekend, and I can if no one else is able host a Siege game server with Classic Mod. :D

    DO IT :D

    How many people can you host/me or red shifter will give you a great list of maps we should play.
  • [23:22:14] we're setting up a siege server now, btw
    [23:22:24] just have to config/tweak it
    [23:22:30] FUCK YEA
    [23:22:37] thats what i was hoping you wer egonna say
    [23:23:53] cant wait man
    [23:24:02] are you gonna put classic on it?
    [23:25:04] already done
    Can you feel the excitement?
  • I'm used to base siege. But classic siege hmm... indoor mine-discing might be fun.

    But yes I love siege more than ctf so I'm really excited about this.
  • I would like a part of the action that is being described in this thread.
  • It seems someone beat me to the catch for the server lol, either way, I'm in for some Siege, whenever ya can :D
  • I'm in for siege/siege practice - we should get a teamspeak or ventrilo server up and coordinate all of the active players!
  • I'm in for siege/siege practice - we should get a teamspeak or ventrilo server up and coordinate all of the active players!

    I agree! also a link to TS/Vent for noobs who don't yet have it.
  • We got a Siege server now ... looking to do a pickup this saturday.
  • We got a Siege server now ... looking to do a pickup this saturday.


    Should be able to make it. I'll see who else I can dig up too.
  • Give some feedback on that website if you can, just so we can see if we can get enough people there. Or suggest a better night. Thanks!
  • I'm most likely not going to be there :((((

    I am moving this weekend and my computer will be in a box.

  • Siege is about the only game type i'll play. That and capture and hold.
  • Woot! Saturday, I am there!!
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