GrenadeProjectileData, unable to call onCollision..
How come the BasicGrenade or even a second renamed grenade projectile has no working onCollision?
function BasicGrenade::onCollision(%data, %projectile, %targetObject, %modifier, %position, %normal){ echo("\n--------- ( BasicGrenade::onCollision ) ---------"); if(isObject(%targetObject)) { // z0dd - ZOD, 4/24/02. Console spam fix. %targetObject.damage(%projectile.sourceObject, %position, %data.directDamage * %modifier, %data.directDamageType); } GrenadeLauncherFX(%data, %projectile, %targetObject, %modifier, %position, %normal); }
Were you hoping to get the collision data from a pre-arming bounce of the projectile, or looking to add an environment area-based explosion as in your previous thread? If the latter, you could add it in the datablock's GrenadeProjectile::onExplode function, but as it doesn't pass the colliding object you will in this case have to find the object.
The seeking projectile has the same issue.. I will just half to forget about it for those 2 projectile types..