
Hi folks,

Here's a simple script I wrote that plays the cha-ching sound whenever you kill someone. It's quite satisfying.


  • Ah, thank you very much.

    Perhaps you can help me out.

    I'm a T2 player from back in the day (2001-2002ish) and my all time favorite script was a killscript that played this kind of high pitched "squish" sound every time I killed someone. It's a difficult sound to describe, but it was like music to my ears... As a Heavy-O there was nothing more satisfying in this game than storming a base and killing 6 guys around an inv with a mortar and hearing my speakers fill up with this squishy noise.... I lived for the squish!!

    Anyway, I think it was actually a pretty popular mod, but I'm having trouble finding it, or finding the right sound. Does anyone happen to know the name of this sound/script and where I could get it again?

    If not, this mod will definitely help, thanks!

  • edited January 2009
    A squish?

    Hmm... I'll tell you what:

    Get winzip (or some other zip program) and open up audio.vl2. Extract all the sounds in there to some directory, and play them in winamp (or media player or whatever) until you find the one you want. If you can tell me the name of the sound I'll write you a script that plays it when you kill someone.

    edit: is it one of the gravel sounds listed under fx/environment?
  • Waaha!

    Thanks for the tip, I found it!

    I'll have to hear it in the game to be positive, but I'm almost sure It's the fx/misc/SHIELDH1 sound. Sweet squishy goodness!

    Would it be possible to put that into your script?
  • You know, you could open up OP's chaching.vl2 and just replace its sounds ;)
  • Well I would be happy to do that, but I have no idea how to open up that vl2 file. It doesn't appear to be an archive file like the audio.vl2 file.
  • Just tried it myself. It is the usual archive format, WinRAR opened it, but it is corrupted.
  • Usually corrupted vl2 files are that way because of the way they are created from a zip file, how did you create it?
  • edited January 2009
    I renamed a zip file. Is the script not functioning? I mean is it not going chaching when you kill someone? I can open it on my end with 7zip as well as winrar.

    Maybe it got corrupted during the upload.
  • WinRAR reports an unexpected end of archive. I can see a directory structure of a Readme and a scripts folder with chaching.cs inside. Can't open chaching.cs, WinRAR reports corrupted.
  • I just tried it in game and couldn't get it to work
  • That's bizarre. I'll re-upload it later tonight and see if that fixes it.
  • Okay it seems to be working now, try it again, same link.

    Scatmann, I'll put one up shortly that plays the squish sound.
  • Awesome, thank you very much!

    FYI, your link for the squish actually still had the chaching sound, but I was able to change it.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Whoops. Must have changed the wrong .cs file.
  • Anyone please link this with a download link that works? Im craving some ChaChings :)
  • //chaching.cs by Nathan "na85" Van Ymeren
    //Plays the Cha Ching sound whenever you kill someone.
    //goes in base/scripts/autoexec
    //Need help?  Contact na85 via (preferred) or
    function chachingJoinedServer(%msgType, %msgString, %clientName, %clientId, %targetId, %isAI, %isAdmin, %isSuperAdmin, %isSmurf, %guid) {
    	if (strstr(%msgString, "Welcome to Tribes2") != -1) {
    		$myname = detag(%clientName);
    function killsound(%msgType, %msgString, %victimname, %vgen, %vposs, %killername, %kgen, %kposs, %damageType) {
    	%killer = detag(%killername);
    	if (%killer $= $myname) {
    		%wavfile = "fx/misc/bounty_bonus.wav";
    		%source = alxCreateSource(AudioChat, %wavfile);
    package chaching {
    	function DispatchLaunchMode() {
    		addMessageCallBack('MsgLegitKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('msgVehicleKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('msgCTurretKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('msgTurretKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('msgSelfKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('MsgHeadshotKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallBack('msgExplosionKill', killsound);
    		addMessageCallback('MsgClientJoin', chachingJoinedServer);

    with much love for na85

    ps u need to copy this as a text file then rename it to chaching.cs
  • Ah, thank you very much.

    Perhaps you can help me out.

    I'm a T2 player from back in the day (2001-2002ish) and my all time favorite script was a killscript that played this kind of high pitched "squish" sound every time I killed someone. It's a difficult sound to describe, but it was like music to my ears... As a Heavy-O there was nothing more satisfying in this game than storming a base and killing 6 guys around an inv with a mortar and hearing my speakers fill up with this squishy noise.... I lived for the squish!!

    Anyway, I think it was actually a pretty popular mod, but I'm having trouble finding it, or finding the right sound. Does anyone happen to know the name of this sound/script and where I could get it again?

    If not, this mod will definitely help, thanks!


    its called halkillsound and its part of halides scripts
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